chapter 14

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liyas pov a week later*

"li baby your going to be late" my mum yelled upstairs to me

"coming mum!!" i replied

it's been just over a week since the "incident" and i don't really know how to feel, my mum got home 3 days ago but i didn't tell her what happened the only person that knows is aiden.

but i have to go on like normal i'm a big girl i can handle it. if i don't think about it then it won't bother me, right?

today i have my oh polly shoot and my mum is coming with me and we're going to have a girls day out.

i literally can't wait to get back in front of the camera i haven't had a shoot since before the wedding, i miss that feeling. the feeling where no one else in the room matters except you , they make you feel beautiful. i couldn't have dreamed for a better job so i know that this will 100% take my mind off of what happened.


i was sitting in the car with my mum in a comfortable silence.

"aaliyah," she broke the silence with my FULL name

"yes mum?" i gulped

"are you pregnant?" she glared at me


"no why?" i was so shocked

"you have thrown up everyday for the past week..."

i haven't thrown up once?

"mum i haven't thrown up at all" i replied

"every morning i hear the floor boards creak and someone throws up"

"i noticed that too..." i thought out loud

"aaliyah. your the only one with a boyfriend it has to be you" she looked out the window

kya told me about a man she had met but i didn't think it was anything serious, my mum clearly didn't know so i just acted dumb for now.

"that is so weird" i laughed and soon enough she laughed with me.


when we arrived i was directed to a changing room and i had one woman and one guy follow me, their names were shaina and brandon.

"honey you look fierce" brandon brushed my wig before beginning to put my bald cap on.

"aaliyah babe your body is stunning" shaina smiled

"thank you guyss" i blushed

brandon connected his phone to a mini speaker and he put his playlist on.

we all sung and danced in the changing room while brandon did my hair and shaina did my makeup.

just as shaina was applying the finishing touches to my face a loud know on the door interrupted our mini party.

a tall lightskin man with gray eyes and blond curls stood in the doorway.

"you must be aaliyah" his eyes stared straight into my soul
his grey eyes made me feel uneasy

"that's me" i politely smiled even though this man intimidated me

"i'm nicolas" he stuck out a firm hand

i reluctantly shook it. his rough skin was ice cold. i clearly wasn't the only one who sensed the vibe was off, shaina and brandon seemed really uncomfortable.

there was an awkward silence before nicolas cleared his throat.

"i was told to come and get you for your first shoot" he continued to stare at me, i felt his strong glare burning through my skin.

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