chapter 5

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2 hours before the accident)*

*unknowns pov*

I was beyond pissed, this morning I didnt find the safe and I killed 1 more waste of space, since nikki got out of jail he doesn't show his face so I do all of the hard work he doesn't kill. Ever. He 'doesn't see the point' but trust me he is missing out.

As I was walking down the street I saw Ava, I couldn't believe it! When I was in yr11 ava was yr7 and she thought she was bad, it was quite funny actually but I decided to take her under my wing and treat her like my sister, we were friends for years. after her stupid sister liya got older she started to ghost me more so she could hang out with her instead, then she went to uni and started going down the 'right path'. she left me behind.

"AVA!" she aired me so I shouted her last name too

"AVA JOHNSON!" She turned around and looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Liya?" She stared at me in shock then I realized. SHIT! I'm still using aaliyahs face she doesnt recognise me.

"What are you doing here?? Mum told me you was home-" she walked over to me, then she noticed at my wrist. i quickly pulled my sleeve down past my hand hoping she didn't see.

but she noticed My tattoo and her face dropped. she was there with me the same day i got that tattoo, she will definitely know it's me.

"Nicole!?" She stepped back

"Suprise??" I half smiled but I knew I messed up

"Why the fuck do you have my sisters face?!" She pulled on my cheek in attempt to take off my "mask" nothing happened. She pulled harder, still nothing. The confusion on her face turned into fear and she ran.

I knew that if she got away she would tell everyone and my cover is blown. As I said I cant afford a new face without this drug money.
I ran after her.

While running I reached for my tiny knife and hid it under my sleeve I had a plan.

"Ava let me explain..." I'm quite good at lying in the spot and I just thought if the best idea!

"Ava please wait it was A1!" She stopped dead in her tracks and faced me waiting for me to explain

"Go on..." she looked slightly scared

"He wants to propose to Liya and he needed someone to dress up as her it's all part of his plan, i can't really explain it without ruining the surprise" she had tears in her eyes. she's so dumb she didn't even question how i know aiden, which i don't by the way.

"Liya my baby sister is getting married" she ran over to me and sobbed on my shoulder (happy tears) . Yuck!
Okay now was my chance I pulled my knife out of my sleeve and I dragged it along her spine she tried to move but i grabbed her hair. She was stuck with no way out

She screamed in agony, I lowkey enjoyed it, I pushed deeper and deeper until i was scraping her bones, all of a sudden she went limp on me she fell to her knees with tears streaming down her face .
"nic... nicole please" she pleaded
"nicole your hurting me" she cried hysterically

Her legs had collapsed... did I just paralysed her?

I was lost in thought I almost felt guilty for stabbing my old sister in the back ,literally. In my moment of vulnerability she managed to crawl away without me noticing.


Nikki's gunna kill me.

*present time Aidens pov (at the hospital)*

I'm so tired, we have been sitting in the waiting room for 4.5 hours and ava still hasnt come out of surgery and we havent had any updates. Liya was sleeping on my lap with her dried tears and mascara smudged around her eyes, yet she still looked beautiful. and the twins took their mum home to rest.

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