chapter 13

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liyas pov back in london *

nicole's dead. dead and gone.
i've never seen a dead body before i thought i would have been traumatised but funny enough i didn't care, like at all. maybe it's partly because she nearly ruined my cousins wedding, or the fact that she tried to beat me up on the plane, or the fact that she has been walking around with my face for months, or maybe i don't care because she nearly paralysed my sister, or because she kills innocent people or maybe simply just because she was a shitty person.

whatever the reason was i just don't care.

since Barbados aiden hasn't been himself, he's been quiet and distant. i think it's partly because of what was waiting for him in london.

*aidens pov three days ago*

"bye ava" liya kissed her sister on the cheek before ava left to go back to her apartment in leicester.

we watched ava leave the car as she walked away pulling her suitcase closely behind her.

"can i play music from my phone?" liya asked me

"gwarn" i connected her phone to my car

after a 2 nearly 3 hour drive we finally arrived home, liya was staying at mine until her mum got home because her mum  wanted to spend more time with family in barbados.

as i parked my car i noticed someone standing outside of my door.
there stood a tall, lightskin oldish man he looked around 50.

"that man looks like you" liya laughed as she noticed him

"do you know him" she looked at me

"unfortunately i do" i dragged my hand down my face

i got out of my car and walked towards my door angrily.

"hi son give your old man a hug!" he grinned at me with his arms open.

*present day liyas pov*

i know aiden hates his dad because of the way he spoke about him, i assume that he is the reason aidens mum lives in st lucia.
i never asked what he did because aiden would tell me if he was ready to.

the only reason that aiden allowed him to stay at his place was because that's his blood.

i was laying in bed next to aiden and he was sleeping peacefully, i softly pecked his lips before i got out of bed to go to the kitchen.

i was wearing aidens t shirt with nothing underneath it and i completely forgot his dad was staying in the living room on the sofa even though the tshirt is long on me and i'm fully covered i still felt uneasy around this man. it was just the vibe he gave off.


"good morning liya" he walked into the kitchen

"morning" i politely smiled and then i continued to chuck fruits into the blender

"beautiful morning right?" he stepped closer to me

"yeah it is" i stepped away cautiously

"why are you being shy around me darling" he backed me into the corner with a sick smile on his face

"i can't get to the sink can you back up please" i avoided eye contact

he didn't say anything but his hand slithered up my tshirt and he started to squeeze my breasts. i felt as if i was about to throw up.
his rough touch made me feel horrible, it made me feel dirty. it hurt too!

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