chapter 8

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aidens pov (september 30th 6am)*

"Fuckkkkk" I groaned my head was killing me. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up

"Ahhhh" there was a sharp pain in my side I looked down and saw fresh bandages. I was in a hospital room. I layed back down and sighed,

"You should rest young man that bullet wound wont heal if you move around too much" she smiled and put her documents on the table then left my room..

Bullet wound?

I got shot?

is everyone else okay?

"Aiden?" I saw a feminine figure in the doorway 5 minutes later, slowly she approached me, it was liya.

"You okay?" She sat down and stroked my face

"I'm good was anyone hurt last night?" Something didnt feel right

"Um cant remember. Has ava said anything about her attacker" She quickly changed the topic.

"No, you know this already,"
I sat up and winced in pain.
"ava hasnt said a word about what happened and if she was going to tell anyone it would be you"

"Just checking no need to start getting angry" she rolled her eyes.

Did I do something to piss her off?

"Li can you come closer?" As she came closer I held her hand and glanced down, no way... there it was, her tattoo. It said "Fatima" and who is Fatima ?

"Get off of me!" She pushed me off and grabbed two injections out of her purse she shoved one in my neck and drained the liquid I tried to shout but I couldn't, I felt almost as if my body was shutting down I lost all feeling in my toes and fingers and the sudden urge to sleep over took my brain. My body was limp. It was a pain I cant even begin to describe, it hurt so much i could barley even feel it if that makes sense

My eyes felt heavy and I couldn't keep them open, everything had shut off but I could hear. I could hear everything.

Her phone rang and she put in on loud speaker while she searched my hospital room for something.

"Nicole?" I heard a  deep muffled voice come from her phone. Nicole? Nicole...

Nicole as in nicole that hurt ava?!

"Listen nikki," she began

nikki... that name is familiar

"It didn't work. Everyone is still alive including the 2 people that got shot." She explained

"And who got shot?" He sounded angry

"A1 and-" the phone cut off

"Did this prick just hang up on me?!" She grabbed her phone and I heard foot steps leaving the room.

Who else got shot?

I hope everyone is okay.

*liyas pov (1pm)*

I slowly woke up and I was in my living room on the sofa, last night was crazy but I can't fully remember what happened I had too many drinks. I tiptoed to the kitchen and saw the clock, it was just past 1pm, I walked to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle and made my way to my room. Something felt off.
"Mummmmm" I yelled "you okayyy???"

"I'm alright baby!!" She shouted back "have you called Aiden yet?" She asked me
I didn't respond.

I jumped down on my bed and took a sip of my water, my head is killing me and mya is playing loud music in her room.

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