chapter 18

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*fatimas pov (filler chapter)*

"bye my love" i kissed mateo goodbye and made my way home.

i hate this, i hate it SO much! mateo is the first person in years to treat me with so much love and care, when i'm with him my whole world stops and the only thing that matters is us, his mum is lovely and aiden and liya seem like really kind people especially liya. i have never really had a proper friend but liya seems like she would be a great one.

i wish i could just drop nikki and his stupid plans but i can't live without him, right?

i felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and i pulled it out to see nikki's name.

"fatima" he said after i answered the phone,

"are you on your way home yet i need to talk to you" he sounded to be in a decent mood for once, he didn't have his usual agressive tone

"i'll be home in 30" i replied and he hung up.

i shrugged and made my way to the bus stop.

"nikki??" i called when i entered the flat

"living room" he responded

i threw myself down on the sofa next to him and he just handed me a gift bag, slightly confused i took it and reached inside. he got me a new phone!!

"thank youu!!" i smiled at him "but why did you get me a phone?" i asked

"well i wanted to thank you for doing all of my dirty work, this plan is a long term one and it needs to be executed perfectly, so for your co operation i thought you might like an upgrade from your old phone" he explained

suddenly i didn't feel so good about this new phone, im getting it because i've been a bad person.

"Oh okay" my smile faded

"Liya has a shoot for oh polly next month for the valentines collection, I need you there." He got up patted my head and went to his room just like that.

I don't feel good about this...

*a week later*
I was at mateos as usual and liya and aiden were on there way, we're having a double date cinema night. This is how I imagined a relationship to be I just never thought that I would be in one.
The door knocked so I got up to open it
"Fatimaaaaaaaa" liya squealed as she saw me, i embraced her in a big hug and then I said hi to aiden. We made our way to the living room where mate had set up all the food, the led lights were set to a deep purple colour and there were giant fluffy blankets. The set up was so cute!!

About an hour had passed and aiden and mateo drove to Nando's to get food for all of us and Liya and I were laying on the sofa together just talking about life.

"Girl you are so lucky" I smiled at her, we were talking about her upcoming modelling career.

"It honesty came out of nowhere" she giggled

"I would love to model one day" I smiled thinking about how my life could look without Nikki in it

"You should come to my next shoot!!" She started "you're so beautiful and I'm convinced that the would love to consider you once they see that you're just as beautiful on the inside too"

That comment ruined my whole mood, I'm NOT beautiful on the inside, I'm about to ruin these peoples lives just to keep a roof over my head. I wish I could drop Nikki and his stupid plan, I don't even know the details to it but I know it's bad, really bad. They killed Nicole and Nikki didn't take it lightly, he wants blood.
Before I could respond to Liya I heard the keys go through the door and mateo and aiden were back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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