Bunny :

I tried my best to clear the room out, but something told me I would be getting caught. The smell lingered badly and my parents were on their way quickly. There's never a time when they'll take their time. They move like the world is ending at any given moment.

Lord bless me right now. I don't wanna get in trouble. Especially because training is coming up and they'll make a reason for me not to go. I can't miss this.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath while spraying a fabreeze. The sound of the heavy front door closing back made my heart drop. Never am I smoking in the house again. They weren't supposed to be back this early.

I lifted my window with a quickness, using my pillow to fan harshly. I'm getting a new ass handed to me in a couple minutes.


"Noo, no no." I ran to my door and pushed against it before it could open.

"Bunny what in the hell are you doing?" My sisters semi country voice came through. I felt my body melt in relief. Thank goodness it's just her. "Get off of this door, right now."

"Sorry." I got off of the door and opened it for her. She scrunched her face while walking in, her eyes darting around the room. I'm not sure why I calmed down as if my sister isn't the biggest snitch ever created.

"What's that smell Bunny?"

"I don't know, i've been trying to clear it out all day." I started to pick up things from the floor. She stood there with her arms crossed, eyeing me real hard. There was a lighter on the floor and I picked it up real fast, slipping it in the back pocket of my True Religion jeans.

Oh boy.

"Where Momma and Daddy gone to?"

"They went working with Mrs.Knowles. You know they leave early in the mornin'" I tried my best not to make that sound so country. My accent annoys me and I wish I didn't have it. Ever since I met my friends, I like the way they talk so much better. I sound like trailer park trash sometimes. "What brings you by so soon?"

"Did Momma cook breakfast?"

"I did."

"Is it some more?"

"Yea...plenty. I was gonna give some to the farmers a little later."

She simply walked out and I sighed a breath I didn't know was being held. The one day I decide to have a reliever is the day that this happens. I don't even smoke often, maybe twice a month. But I just know if I got caught it would be the end of me. Momma wouldn't wanna hear not one excuse I have to give.

So I really hope Heaven didn't catch on to a thing.

"I'm about to go now, Bunny! I've got a plate!" I heard her shout. All I gave was an Ok cause nothing else would come up. That was one pointless smoke because all of my high has been washed away.

I'm not doing it again.

I put my stash away in my closet, grabbing my boots in the process. It's about time I go get some work done outside. The sun is out completely and I can hear the animals now.

My main focus needs to be that horse out there. I'm still upset about my white horse being sold but...Momma and Daddy were right. Id grown out of her and she didn't need to be workin as hard anymore. I raised her from and baby and we trained together for years.

Won every race in the past five years. That was my baby. Ever since the new year we'd stopped racing her. That's what gave Daddy the idea to sell her. He felt like she was taking up space that could be put to use for something useful.

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