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Training Day 1:

I woke up bright and early with nothing but excitement. It's finally the day that I train with Bunny. Mama called it orientation since she's sure that I won't be doing much but getting a look at things. Which I kinda agree.

But hopefully we get into some stuff too. I really wanna see her ride. Not nothing small, but the niddy griddy.

As I fixed my hair from its curling rods, I sung a small tune while swaying with my eyes closed. I was in my jean suit, standing in the middle of my room.

Mama suggested I curled my hair up last night. She said there may be pictures taken. I didn't know Bunny was like that. The way Mama explained it, she's known for the horse riding. I'm definitely impressed. We don't really see many girls doing things like what she's doing.

At least not where we're from.

Once I felt all the rollers out of my hair I opened my eyes to look in the mirror. My hair looked nice. I fluffed it around a bit, making sure I looked nice. I'm really cute.

I grabbed my bag, my phone and keys before heading out my room

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I grabbed my bag, my phone and keys before heading out my room. Leaving the door semi cracked so if Amelia needed to go in she could. Mama was downstairs making breakfast already, getting ready to leave out. I've never been up early with Mama but look at me.


She'd offered to drive me down to the Maraj's home but I declined. I got done early so the walk won't hurt. It's just down the road. They're basically our neighbors, our yards are just huge. Also the loonnnnggg road through the farm before seeing our houses.

Sometimes I enjoy the walk. Just the sound of my boots hitting the concrete satisfy me. As I was walking I texted Bunny that I was walking her way. She'd read it pretty quickly but didn't reply.

I stuffed the phone into my back pocket. Humming a tune, I liked the breeze. My hair flew all over my face but it was fine.

Putting my focus on the car driving down, I shielded my eyes since it was towards my house. But the car stopped. I looked at it kind of funny.

"Get in here girl, we got a lot to do." The window let down showing Bunny. I smiled seeing her country self. Says me. I'm probably the countriest after Amelia. "How's your morning miss Beyoncé? You have somethin to eat?"

"No. Mama was cooking but I didn't wanna be late."

"Wanna drive out and grab somethin?"

"Do we have time?" I clicked on my phone to see it was nearing when she told me to come. It wouldn't look good if I were the reason for us to be late. Although...this whole thing is her doing so maybe there wouldn't be no looking bad.

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