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No I in Team :

"Get up!!" I walked down the hallway hitting on their room doors. This is an every morning thing because I don't just walk in their space. Especially not when it's morning or when they're sleeping. Privacy is big in here.

Even Amelia gets it and she's just eight. She hates it though. She'll get frustrated and say, 'Why don't you just come in? Ain't like I walk around in my skin.' It's the funniest thing.

But she'll understand when she's older.

"We gotta go into town today, so hurry!!"

"We're up Beyoncé." Anna's door opened and she peeked her head out. I plucked her forehead then kissed it with a smile. She showed me that Amelia was in her room. "This girl came in my room to show me somethin from school...then fell asleep eating pretzels."

"She had another bad dream." I walked in and picked Amelia up. She didn't say anything, just laid her head on my shoulder. I'm glad we're going into town today, I can get her some candy. "What's wrong pretty girl? You wanna talk to me about your dream?"

I walked us to my room at the very end of the hallway. She slid down and went to my swinging flower chair in the corner. It hung from the ceiling and has a view of the beautiful backyard where Mama does her gardening.

"Was it like last time?"

"I kept falling down stairs and it never stopped."

"It was continuous? Nothing but you falling?"


"Did you do what Mama said and pray?"

"Yea. But I couldn't sleep so I went with Maebell. I wanted to come in here but i'm sure you was tired."

"Mel i've told you no matter what time it is, if you have a bad dream, come. I don't matter the time."

She nodded her head and I held my hand out for her. We walked out my room and down the stairs. Mama cooked breakfast before she left so they don't have to survive off of toast until she gets back. Thankfully.

I made their plates as they slowly came down one by one. What's weird is that they always come down in order of ages. Mel was already down here this time.

"What we going into town for?" Anna asked while sitting at the table. I grabbed the list Mama left on the counter. It was a long one.

"Groceries and some food for the animals."

"So that means you're taking the truck?"

"Yep." I gave a nod. If we still had our horses we would ride them. But we only have one now, so it wouldn't make sense. I'm gonna have to talk to Mama about getting more.

I think we all miss riding.

"Mel did you ride the new horse out there?" I asked, since I know she wanted to. Mama might have let her but then again, she might not. That's about one thing Mama won't let her do. Ride a horse on her own. She's rode before but she was young and had one of us on with her.

"Mama said no cause she wasn't here."

"If we make it back in time i'll let you ride. Can't tell Mama." I pointed in her face. She nodded with a smile and I gave her one back. She's such a country girl.

I sat down with them to eat my breakfast. Mamas cooking is the best of them all. I'm not sure why I don't know how to cook, but I don't even care. Standing over a hot stove in a hot kitchen just doesn't give me.

I'm more of an outside, yard girl. That'll do.

"We can handle the dishes when we get back. Come on." I got them out the door before grabbing the keys. As we were walking out to the truck I got a look at what everyone had on. "Now Solange, you know if Daddy were to see those shorts on you it'll be hell in hot water."

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