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We met:

As soon as the sun rises, it's time to work. These last few days have been filled with bad weather, so that means we've got a lot to do. No time for slacking.

I woke the whole house up by beating on their doors and other things. I've been up for three hours now, getting myself ready and making breakfast. Toast with jelly and they better be grateful.

I'll take my food back.


"Stop all that noise!"

"Imma tell mama!"

I ignored their fussing and continued to beat on one of the toys in the hallway. That'll get em. As they came out one by one I stared them down. They wanted to have ugly faces so I beat harder to be a prick.

"Go wash ya funky asses and come eat." I went down to the kitchen. Mama has been at work since early this morning so it's my duty to take over the house. As the oldest, I would get my ass handed to me if I didn't.

Having a house full of girls is the worst. I can't even deal with them on the regular but I do my best. Making my mamas job as a mother ten times easier.

"Beyoncé I know like hell you ain't wake us up to come eat some bread." Anna mugged me. I shrugged my shoulders biting into my toast. She can be a hater or eat her food, it's up to her. And when she grabbed her plate I flicked her off. "You lucky i'm hungry."

"No, you're lucky you're hungry. I ain't nothin."

"Whatever....Mama said look out for the Marajs. Mr.Maraj bringing a horse over."

"A horse? Why? We haven't had a horse in a couple months, shit a couple years." I frowned. Ever since our family horse was stolen, Mama hadn't gotten another. We've been walking everywhere or driving. Another horse never even crossed my mind.

"She just said it's time. Plus I think she was trying to find one worth getting. I guess her search is over." Anna shrugged sitting her plate in the sink. I watched the stairs as Solange came down. She's the sorriest of us all. This girl will have the biggest problem with the simplest farm job.

"Don't come down here looking ugly."

"Shut up Beyoncé. You ruined my sleep for some damn bread."

"Yall hating but still gonna eat it."

"We ain't got no damn choice." She took her plate and sat at the table. I finished up my toast and went upstairs to get the last sister, Amelia.


"I'm putting my boots on Bey!"

I walked in her room. She was bent over sliding her boots on making me smile. She's always the most excited for the farm. With her being the youngest she's experienced a lot of fun stuff out here.

"You like em? Mama put my name on it." She held her foot out and I nodded at the name in cursive. "Mama said it was time I upgraded like y'all. She said I earned my stripes."

Her accent is the most strong too. Everything she says has a country kick to it. It's hard to tell what she's saying at times. I can only imagine how it is at school for her.

"Your breakfast is on the counter. Eat quick."

"Is it just bread again Yoncé?"

"You know it." I ruffled her curls and we went back downstairs. She quickly ate her toast so when she was finished we headed out. We all sighed seeing the work needed to be done. We're gonna be out all day. "Cover your mouths."

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