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I think I made a mistake

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I think I made a mistake.

This is what I get for trying to do extra thangs. I had a very rare smoke session, all by myself, but this time I was in the back yard with mommas garden. It was very peaceful out there and I enjoyed the pond.

Loved it actually.

Only thing is that I dropped the blunt somewhere in her crops. I'm high...so seeing it is out of the picture. Mommas gonna find that somewhere and start to go crazy.. I have to hope she looks past it.

Good thing is that they're not here. I have plans today so that's such a good thing. Although Momma made it clear she ain't want me talking to my boyfriend, he's my boyfriend. No matter how much she'on like it, that's just that.

He wanna take me out today, a way to apologize for his actions lately which hasn't been nice. We all have our moments so I was willing to hear him out.

Right after smoking I started to get myself ready. First showering then getting my hair together. I'd washed it so I blown it out then flat ironed it out. Really surprised me to see the silkiness my hair gave.

I was looking for something to wear when my phone got to ringing. As always I ignored it. If it's important then they'll call again.

My closet is mostly filled with jeans and regular shirts, but i've got a couple little dresses. This little black one is my favorite. I settled on it with some cute sandals and a couple pieces of jewelry.

As soon as I finished up my phone rung again. I checked it this time seeing it was him. Happily, I answered.

"So what it do? I'm picking you up or you meeting me there?"

"I can meet you there. Ion want nobody snitching on me like they did last time."

"Fuck them."

That caught me by surprise, I'd never heard him talk in such way before. At least not with a serious tone like that. "Well we ain't gon say that babe."

"Who was snitchin anyways? All in my damn business, worried about me and my girl."

"I'm not sure. But you can send me the address."

"I'm heading there now so you need to be doing the same."


He hung up and I went to grab my purse as he sent me the address. I went outside to the car, getting myself situated. Just when I was about to pull off, a car pulled in. My heart hit my feet thinking it was Momma, but thankfully us wasn't.

It was Heaven.

I let my window down when I noticed her coming to the car. She looked like she was ready to snitch on me.

"Where you think ya going?"

"I'm going with my friend."

"What friend? The girl down the road or that boy?"

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