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Redeem :

I hate hate hate being in trouble. It's like the worst thing ever when you live on a farm. My friends have talked about punishments and stuff like a phone being taken or remote. That's better than what I'm having to do right now.

But those things like electronics don't bother me so taking em wouldn't matter. So momma and daddy will always make me do farm work. Hard farm work like collecting the yard and animals. Moving them around. Instead of simply feeding them and going about my day like I do on the daily.

I'm too small for some work they're having me do, but I have to do it. No ifs ands or buts. If I don't do it, I'm not sure what will happen. It's crazy. I mean I am older so whooping me shouldn't be an option. It's been a long minute since I last had one anyways.

"Daddy I can't, it's hurtin." I whined making my arms go limp. He ignored me while sitting on the step reading the newspaper. That made me want to cry. He's always talking about my attitudes but do stuff like ignore me when I'm talking to him.

When I'm in trouble I can't even do training, so this week is on hold. I hated having to tell Beyoncé that. She seemed kind of disappointed. I'm trying to do my best to get all this work done so we can start back as soon as possible. I hate that they take away what I care about most. And we have a whole lot to do with the horses, this is holding me back. There's a mini show I have to do for a shoot, and I added Beyonce inside as well. I haven't had the chance to tell her cause of this.

I need to prepare her.


"I ain't hearin' none ya saying Bunny, get to it."

"But my arms hurtin." My pout came and tears came to my eyes. He only looked at me. I huffed storming off, making sure I kicked the stairs. I'm starting to get irritated with this stuff. All because I went into town to see someone. They act as if I'm still a baby and can't do anything without their approval. "This ain't fair!"

"Carol she startin!"

"No I ain't Momma!" Why is he snitching? I didn't do nothing. I went back to moving the stacks of hay. It may seem like the lightest thing ever, but it's the heaviest. Daddy shouldn't have me doing this anyways. "Ouch!" A piece of the hay poked me and I dropped them.

Daddy was watching me heavy, still holding his newspaper. I frowned up my face folding my arms. He better say I can go to my room. It ain't like he's gonna take my phone. Only time I use it is when my friend is texting or Beyonce. I'm in trouble because of my friend. I don't even wanna refer to him as what he really is, they just might say they read my mind.

I hate that they listen to the people telling my business in town. That's why I rarely go. There's always something when I do.

"Get to your room, Bunny. I don't wanna see ya face not no more today. Understand?"

I didnt say anything and kept inside. My sister was standing in the kitchen with Momma as they eyed me. She's probably the one that told them. They keep saying someone in town but LeAnne is the biggest snitch.

"Bunny I don't understand how you could be so upset when you're the reason you're in trouble."

"Shut up Heaven! You always got somethin to say and-"

"Don't take ya struggles out on me. Maybe if you wouldn't be so grown-"

"If you mind your damn business then-"

"Enough." Momma silenced the both of us. I didn't wait for another word and stormed upstairs. It's always her and Momma doesn't say a thing about her doing that. As soon as I'm getting back at her, I have to be quiet. That's not at all fair. Heaven is too old to even be saying a thing to me.

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