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Those eyes :

I laid in bed going through the pictures Beyoncé and I took the other day. It was so nerve wrecking as I waited for them to come. When they did, I was more than excited.

Finally I can add a photo to the family wall with a partner. Out of all the years i've been doing this, i've never had a successful partner. This year changes it all. And she's such a sweet one.

The pictures came early this morning, way before anyone woke up. Momma and Daddy are still sleeping so it's just me awake. Laying in bed with my pjs on, going through hundreds of pictures.

I thought of calling Beyoncé to see if she wanted to come over and go through them with me. It's a bit early though. I'm not sure if she's awake. But if i'm correct, she has to get her sister ready for school.

Her mom could be home though since Momma and Daddy are still here. They work together so if one family is gone, then the other most likely is as well...But-

Oh forget it. What's the worst that could happen? If she's sleeping then she won't answer and if she's awake, she will and i'll ask. Boom. Simple?

I grabbed my phone from the dresser, nibbling in my lip. I'll feel so bad if I were to disturb her sleep. Staring at her contact, I debated in my head for another five minutes before clicking the call button.

Nervousness settled through me for a reason I didn't know of. Seeing the time start to count, I put the phone to my ear.


"Hi. Goodmornin Bunny."

"Oh goodmornin Beyoncé." I sat up in the bed, a smile on my face. Good thing she wasn't sleeping. "Um...the photos came this mornin and I was wondering if you wanted to come look through with me. It's fine if you can't, I know it's pretty early yaknow?"

"Um, of course I would. I'm a little nervous to see em." She chuckled. I did the same, picking at one of the pictures. I'm not sure why she's so nervous, she looks beautiful in the ones i've seen. "You want me over now?"

"If you can. You can still be in your pjs and all that. I'm in the bed at this moment. It can be a little...morning sleepover without the sleep."

She laughed making me do the same. When she said she was on her way, I hung up and rushed to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth and handling my face, I had to be sure I didn't smell or look like sleep.

I'm a hard sleeper.

It didn't take long before I got a text from her saying she was outside. It's so early the sun isn't even out completely. I tiptoed down the stairs, heading towards the front door.

Our stairs creaked, threatening to tell Momma and Daddy I was creeping. Their room is under the stairs which made it worse. I let Beyoncé inside, seeing she was indeed in the pajamas. She smiled real big and I signaled for her to hush which she gladly did.

We both did our best to avoid the crying of the steps. When we got to the too we sprinted to my room and I shut the door. That was funnier than it was supposed to be.

"That was somethin." I chuckled grabbing the pictures. She grabbed them from me, following me into my bed. "You can get comfortable. In the next hour i'm sure Momma will be up whipping something in the kitchen. I won't starve ya for long."

"Oh I ain't too hungry, I ate some toast this mornin."

"Toast? That's it?"

"Yep. Somethin to hold me till Mama was up."

"Oh. Right. Well let's get to lookin at these masterpieces." I covered us both with my blanket and started to scoot closer to her. She glanced over at me with a small smile making me feel something in my tummy. My face dropped at the feeling.

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