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Felix said goodbye to his friend whose eyes were shining from happiness. "Don't drink too much alright?" Blonde said worryingly, getting chuckles from another. "I won't, I won't."

Finally freckled boy was alone in his mansion. It was time to call his precious friend who was like dad for him. As Han left, Chan drove to Felix's home after getting message "i need to talk to you."

POV: Minho's home

Squirrel boy was standing infront of small brown door, waiting for someone to open it. Suddenly door creack opened and revealed ginger haired boy, he looked like a fennec fox straight from nature. "Jisungie?" Han nodded hesitantly and stepped inside as younger made some space for him to walk inside.

He looked around "My own summer" by Deftones was playing, there was some bottles of drinks and sketchbook.
Finally Minho entered living room, greeting squirrel boy with warm smile.

"Good afternoon, Jisung." Those simple words left him speechless, shivers running down his whole body. "M-minho... Hi" he managed to breath out.

"Has anyone seen my sketchbook? I've been looking for it for damn 15 minutes dude..." Someone said from another room.
"It's here you dumbass" Catlike boy said firmly.

Taller male from other room walked and stood there infront of Minho and Han. "Uh ... Is that... Jisung? Am i right?" Black haired managed to say, getting nods from both of them. "And you are?" Han asked nervously. "Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin." He said politely and smiled before leaving two of them alone with Jeongin.

Hours passed and Han get to know alot about Minho and his two precious friends. "So who do you take photos of mostly?" Question making dark haired chuckle. "Anything and everything. Sometimes models too, if I'm lucky enough..." He said confidently and turned his attention to sketch in front of him.

"Oh! My friend is photo model, he's doing really well." Hyunjin nodded like he gave a fuck. "He's really pretty, he deserves to walk on whole runway..."

Minho glanced at boy whose eyes were sparkling like stars "isn't that boy you told me about? We have same surname right?" "Yes! That one! God, he's such a great friend, i should bring hi-" before he could finish he got glare from devilish cat sitting next to him. "W-what did i- I'm... Sorry" Han pouted his lips from embarrassment, it was enough for two other guys to start laughing at him "He's joking Jisungie" Jeongin said between laughs that brought him to tears.

"Let's drink... Should we?" Dark haired boy said and got up to grab bottle of alcohol from fridge.

3 Hours later...

"Lixie... I'm realhhy.. I'm- god... Could- Hi sorry i don't know who you are but your friend got really drunk here... Can you please take him?" Soft yet worried voice pleaded blonde. Felix sighed heavily and grabbed his jacket to leave his mansion.
Drive wasn't that far, he finally found small but beautiful house in neighborhood, he huffed and knocked on door.

Someone opened door for him, Blonde looked up, noticing black haired tall male. "Lee Minho?" Male shook his head and chuckled. "Nope, wrong person, i suppose you should find him in different place... He doesn't live here."

Words only made Felix more frustrated, he was about leave when taller laughed and grabbed his shoulder. "I was joking, come inside and take your friend out of here" Felix huffed, he glared at taller, getting another chuckle from him.

"There's nothing to laugh about... Idiot" he mumbled under his breath. Felix finally found his drunk friend on floor, blurting out different words. He managed to lift him up and slowly take him out from place.
"Mind helping me?" He asked Hyunjin firmly, annoyed at how he laughed as he struggled to keep his friend on feet. Taller helped Felix to take him to car.

Hyunjin was looking at smaller all the way to the car, the way he cursed under his breath and sighed everytime Jisung said something without meaning.

"Chill, he'll be alright" he said with small laugh. "You know nothing" Felix said and finally pushed Jisung inside car. "Uhm... Thank you." He managed to say, he looked up at Male and sighed.

"Sorry for troubling you" "No, no need to say that, it's nothing" Taller said with a smile. Felix stared at male for some time, Yes he was really pretty and handsome, but why did Felix felt something inside him tighten?

"You okay there?" Hyunjin asked softly getting small nod, he watched as freckled boy left and sat in car without goodbye and drove off.

"Okay?" Hyunjin mumbled to himself and returned in home.

To be continued...

(I really hope you liked this one! Please leave a comment and don't forget to vote the story, that would help me alot <333 I'm trying my best to make this as interesting as possible!)

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