🌌Dream 9🌌

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To say that Fourth was surprised was an under statement. He couldn't move, he forgot what he was about to say. His mind went totally blank.

After what it seemed to be an eternity Fourth snapped back to reality. He pushed Phuwin away.

"How dare you!" Tears forming in his eyes but he blinked those away.

"First kiss?" Phuwin said to Fourth.

"None of your business, you need to get out!"
"What do you mean no? This is my place I want you out now!"
"No, we haven't come to an agreement just yet. Even if I leave, that's not going to change the fact that I'm your first kiss, I'll be a lot of your first your first beer was with me, your fist smoke, first kiss.'
Fourth just looked at Phuwin face, he can't find the words.

Phuwin continued..."Be honest, you liked the kiss, right? Or you were too shocked to feel anything? then let me reiterate" Phuwin grabbed the back of Fourth's neck and slowly lowered his lips to Fourth.
He started kissing Fourth's closed lips but, Phuwin wanted more so he nibbled on Fourth's lower lip, which made Fourth open his mouth to protest, Phuwin took the chance to swiftly insert his tongue to Fourth's soft month. His tongue chases Fourth's.
Fourth tried his best to not get swayed but Phuwin's persuasive. Fourth clumsily responded to Phuwin's kisses. With the intensity of the kiss, Fourth had a hard time breathing, Phuwin noticed so he lightly opened his mouth so that Fourth can catch his breath, for just a few seconds though because right after Phuwin started kissing Fourth again. After what seemed like a lifetime , Phuwin pulled back.

Fourth's mind is in chaos. How could he let Phuwin kiss him like that, that first kiss, gone. and how could he let himself get carried away. How could he return Phuwin's kissed.

"How do you feel?"
"I don't know." said Fourth honestly.
"You responded, it means you liked it, you'll get use to it, don't worry?
"I, Win, be honest with me, why are you doing this?"
"What am I doing dear Fourth?" Asked Phuwin.
"You, invading my space, always bugging me, then the kiss, I don't undestand, you know I like Gemini, so why?"
"I don't have a grand reason, you make me interested in you, you peeked my curiosity, its fun being with you, yes you seem to like Gemini but we don't know, maybe you are infatuated with my brother, but maybe you don't like "Like" him. I mean it's been how many years, if you are in love with him, you would have taken action by now!
"You don't understand!" Yelled Fourth.
"Yes, I don't, but maybe the one who doesn't understand is you. let's find out, together. I'm not going to do anything more tonight, sleep on it. I'll visit you again tomorrow night.

What Phuwin suggested doesn't make any sense. Fourth knows that but why, why doesnt Fourth find Phuwin's actions repulsive?
Why does Fourth want to know Where this road will take him. .

Phuwin said it's fun being with fourth, does that mean he'll leave Fourth when things stop being fun? Why does Fourth's heart ached a little when he thought about Phuwin leaving him?

Sleep, Fourth needs to sleep, this is tomorrow's Fourt's problem.
Fourth went to grab another can of beer and drank everything in one go.

Fourth's head is killing him. He figured what he feels is what they call hangover.
Never in a million years would he thought that he'd experience something like this.

After fixing himself up he went to a coffee shop near his university before heading to school.
the met wit Mark since he still has time before his first period.

"You look terrible!" Mark exclaimed.
"Shh. You're too loud."
"coffee, you don't like coffee!"
'Head ache" Fourth's short answer.
"You look like someone who had a little too much to drink"Laughed Mark.
"oh, well, yes I am hangovered" admitted Fourth.
. Hang over? You? You don't drink. what's happening?^
"can you please stop yelling?"
"Okay let's head over there and sit for a minute. Mark lead Fourths to a bench nearby.

"Now tell me, why did you drink, who did you drink with?" Mark urged Fourth to tell him.
"I, no reason really, I just felt like it. I had a drink with uh, a friend"
"Friend? Who? I know all your friends, why didn't you invite me?"
"Uh, this, this, this one, you don't know, I guess. It wasn't planned or anything."
"You have a friend that I don't know?" "Yes, we met not long ago."
"I don't like this friend, Fourth. You just met and you are already drinking with him. Where did you drink."
Enough with the questions, please. I feel like throwing up.!"

"That's what you get for drinking, your new friend sounds like bad news. Better steer clear, I'm waring you as your longtime best friend!"
"oh stop acting Jealous. Don't judge him yet, I'm sure he's all right." Said Fourth though he admits at the back of his mind that Phuwin is indeed "Bad News"

A/N: Mark is on point. Phuwin is Bad. My baby Fourth is being drawn...

200+ reads, I can't thank you guys enough.
I almost dropped this since I didn't know how to proceed, I never planned on what to write, I still don't know who will end up with who, TBH.

I have another book that I'm working on. It's a collection of shorts, so far I have one for Boun and Prem, then Off and Gun, if you're interested please check my bio. Thanks a lot.

Lovelots- WS🩷🖤🩷🖤🩷🖤

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