🌌 Dream 20🌌

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Phuwin drove Fourth to the University. Truth to be told, he wanted Fourth to rest one more day, it's already Friday and he didn't see the harm of extendings Fourth's rest for one more day but Fourth wanted to attend his classes.

"I'll pick you up later, send me a message in between your classes please! Said Phuwin to Fourth

"Yes, drive safely." Said Fourth, then Fourth leaned on Phuwin and kissed Phuwin's cheek.

Phuwin gazed at Fourth lovingly as Fourth walked away.

"FOURTH!" Screamed Mark when he saw his bestfriend.
"You are too loud! Are you afraid that I'm not popular enough that's why you are announcing my name to the whole school?" Answered Fourth, pretending to scold.

"You asshole! Where have you been? I was so worried about you, I almost messaged your parents, I almost filed a missing person's report, I would have done that today if Gem didn't message me last night that you are with Phuwin."

"Fuck, wait back up- Phuwin's brother messaged you? Since when are you on speaking terms with him?"
Well, Fourth Fourth, I... I was really worried and desperate, you where missing, I can't call you, there's no one answering at your door so I tried asking Gem for Phuwin's number, he didn't give it to me but said hill ask Phuwin about you."

"I'm sorry for going on MIA. I was, I was dealing with stuff."

"Are you okay now? You lost a ton of weight."

"Yes Mark, thank you for being such a lovely friend."

While the two best friends are talking Gemini approached them.

"It looks like you're alive"Gem suddenly said. Fourth stepped back, trying to add some distance between them.

"Mark, I'm going." Fourth ignored Gem and just addressed Mark.
How are you, are you better." Gem continued to ask while reaching out to grab Fourth's arm.

"Don't touch me." Hissed Fourth which surprised both Mark and Gem.

"Hey, I'm not doing anything. I'm just wo-^

"Don't come near me, I don't know what your problem with me and Win is, but you need to leave us alone'.'

"I dont have any problem's Fourth, are you under the impression that I have things againts you?'

"I don't mind if you think I'm a freak or a shut but what the fuck is your problem? Why are you so bent on ruining my relationship with Win? Putting things on his head, M has enough troubles." Yelled Fourth.

"Calm down, Fourth. People are looking'" said Mark because he knows Fourth doesnt like being on the spotlight.

"Fourth, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call ya names, and I was just warning Phuwin, I don't want you to get hurt if he..."

"What happens between Phuwin and me is none of your concern, leave us alone."

Fourth walked out without giving bum a chance to answer.
"Gem, I'm sorry about Fourth, he's not normally like that, he's always polite, this is the
first time I've seen him like this, I'll look into it and let you know, his stressed.

"Okay, I understand. He don't look too good, lost some weight and has dark eyes. Watch out for your friend."

Yes, let me talk to Fourth now, bye Gem, I I will see you later."

Time skip end of school hours.

"Fourth!" Called Phuwin when he saw that Mark
and Fourth's on their way out.

"Win!" Acknowledged Fourth, Phuwin climed down from his bike and met Fourth halfway then gave Fourth a hug. He then nods at mark as a greeting, Mark did the same.

Mark didn't show it, but he has ill feelings for Phuwin. Fourth changed a lot when
this Phuwin character showed but he wanted to support Fourth, his friend is fragile so he doesnt want to risk things.

"How was school? Asked Phuwin as he takes Fourth's bag for him to carry.

"Okay, Mark did attendance for me and took notes so I can catch up:

"That good, C looked at Mark) Thanks you for taking care of Fourth!

This offended Mark somehow.

"of course, l've been caring for Fourth for years now.. I don't need thanks from-"



Fourth decided to let it go so to change the subject he asked Phuwin.
"How was your day?"

"I did a few online classed, bought fresh groceries and slept!

"Online classes.""

"Well, I'm also a University student! But in the US."

"Oh" Said Fourth quietly, he's reminded that Pwwin is just here temporarily.

"Don't over think, love. I have plans, I'm not going."

"Yes, let's talk about it at home." ,

"Okay? _to Phuwin. Mark, were heading home, thank you and see you later.

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