🌌Dream 39🌌

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They arrived in Kanchanaburi but there's still a way to go before Erawan.

They decided to eat at a local restaurant.

"I can drive from here, Gem." Said Phuwin to his twin.

"Nah, it would be better if I drive all the way since I am more familiar with the place, you can drive us home."

"If you say so." Said Phuwin before offering to  feed Fourth.

"I... I can eat on my own." Said Fourth in a whisper.

"Why are you acting shy? We are in a relationship. Are you ashamed of me, Fourth?" Said Phuwin irritably. He knows that he's being an ass but he just can't help it.

"Of course not, I'll take it." Fourth accepted the food Phuwin was trying to feed him.

He was looking down because though he is okay with being with Phuwin, he still doesn't like being looked at.

Mark wanted to say something but he was gently held back by Gem, signalling that he shouldn't intrude.Mar audibly sighed. He knows Fourth's soft and can't really handle his emotions well.

He acknowledges that Phuwin lovevs his friend, but it seems like he loves him a little too much, he's starting to get scared for his friend.

Gem and Phuwin left Fourth and Mark at the car while the smoke somewhere a bit far but within seeing distance.

"Gem, be square with me, are you interested with my boyfriend?"

"Where is this coming from, Win?"

"Just answer me, damn it!"

"Calm, let's not fight today okay, yes I am interested with your boyfriend."


"Don't look at me like that, I'm not finished yet. You and Mark, pay special attention to Fourth. It's like he is the most fragile and most important person... I want to date Mark... Well, we are in some kind of a limbo now, but I want to be called his boyfriend soon."

"And what does that have to do with my boy?"

"Well, Mark takes good care of your boyfriend, he is the number one priority, even though Fourth's already in a relationship and taking care of him is the boyfriend's job not the bestfriend, but it seems like a futile battle if I try to compete, so I wanted to gain some brownie points, Mark hates it when I say something bad about your boyfriend, I only said something light earlier and you heard him not only take Fourth's side but he snapped at me. So I am now clear on what to do. I won't baby Fourth the way you two sick people do, but I will make an effort to be nice to him."

"You can be a little nice but not too much, I don't want my Fourth to get swayed."

""Are you still insecure because he once liked me?"

Phuwin was just silent.

"Fourth clearly loves you, so much even me can see it, he hass never called me by my name, I've observed, it seems like he is afraid of you getting mad, have you noticed that?"

"Yes... I I I think that he's no calling your name because he has some hidden feelings still, he loves me, I know, but I think..."

"No, he loves only you, and Mark. Hahahha. When he found out I  was seeing Mark, kinda. He glared at me and acted all possessive. You  don't have to get jealous over e, it's the best friend you should look out for."

"I  am good with Mark, Fourth needs him. Plus I need him to take care of Fourth once I leave."

"Fuck, what do you mean you are leaving?"

"It's your turn to calm down. I just need to take care of paperwork's so II can permanently move and study here.


"So, are you really seeing G- that guy?"

"Kinda, I think, I'm seeing how everything goes."

"How the heck did that happen?"

"I don't know." Mark would never tell Fourth that he was the link between him and Gem.

"Are you happy?" Asked Fourth

"Are you?" Instead of  answering, Mark asked Fourth.


"Do you really love Phuwin?"

"Yes, very much so, I love him so much I feel so afraid that if one day he realizes that I'm nothing special and he leaves me, I wouldn't know how to survive."

"Calm down, don't get too worked up, I clearly see that he loves you so much. I mean he so damn possessive of you."

"For now."


"He loves me for now... Will he still love me in the future?"

"Just think about today. Be happy today, don't stress about the what ifs and just cross the bridge when you get there."

"Thanks, Mark. I love you."

"I love you too." Mark hugged Fourth, though he secretly sigh, he was successful in diverting the topic to Fourth instead of him. He is just not ready to be open with whatever the he has with Gem.

The two brothers went back to the car, saw the two hugging. Phuwin lightly pulled Fourth, had him settle in the backseat.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.


"So what were you talking about?"

"I asked about his relationship with your brother, he asked me about my relationship with you, we are just supporting each other." Whispered Fourth back. He knows Phuwin understands him.

"Okay my love. I can also listen to you, remember that, don't always just go to your bestfriend, I don't want to feel left out." Teased Phuwin before kissing Fourth's lips lightly.

The two audience was just speechless.

"Let's go." Said Gem as he starts the engine.

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