🌌Dream 10🌌 🔞🤏🏻

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Fourth didn't know how he managed to survive the day. He's lucky to have Mark as a friend though, once he stopped nagging, he took care of Fourth, making sure that his friend remains hydrated, ushering him from one class to the next.

By the end of the day, Fourth was feeling better. He didn't think about Gem at all, he however thought about the look alike.

He was about to head home when he saw the said look alike by the gate, seemingly waiting for someone. the thought he was here for his twin, (First time Gem crossed his mind today) so he just casually walked passed him when suddenly Phuwin grabbed his shoulder. "Am I just air to you now? ^
"Oh, hi Win" He Wadied.
u" Hmm."
Are you here for Gem? I haven't seen him yet."
"Oh, didn't stalk my twin today?" Phuwin teased Fourth glared at Phuwin which made the later laugh.
"I'm here for you, didn't I say I'll visit you again today? I figured I'll just pick you up instead of just waiting by your place."

"My head hurts". Fourth didn't know why but he whined to Phuwin.
"such a baby. It's because you drank last night. Do you have honey at home?"
"Yes, I love honey in my pancakes..."
"Okay lets head home then my dear."
"will you please stop with the pet names, it's cringey!"
He then lead Fourth to his park motorcycle. Fourth just jumped in the back without any hesitation. He didn't notice Mark who was looking at them with puzzled eyes.

Phuwin ordered them some hot noodles then
fixed Fourth honey water claiming it should cure Fourth's hangover.

Fourth took the drink and had a sip, noded his approval before finishing the drink up.

Today's Friday, do you have plans.?" Asked Phuwin.
"Just review, I rarely go out" Answered Fourth shyly.

"Since you are still hangoverel, I'll let you off the hook today but tomorrow, we'll go clubbing?
"I don't go to those places."
"But I do, and from now on you do what I do.'
"Because I said so."
Fourth wanted to object but decided not to. He doesn't want to contradict Phuwin too much.

"Are we going to continue our conversation from yesterday? "Fourth timidly asked. "No, I want you to relax today."
"Then why did you come, isn't it a waste of your time, being here, I mean. You could go clubbing as you mentioned."
"I can, but I wont. I want to spend time with my baby Fourth"
Fourth pretended to kick Phuwin but Phuwin dist laughd then pulled Fourth into a light embrace.
"Don't think about anything tonight, as I said, I'm letting you off the hook"

"So you'll go?" asked Fourth, not even attempting to push Phuwin away because he felt warm and wants to continue to embrace.
"Nope, I' II sleep here!" Fourth's eyes widend but Phuwin just stroked Fourth's hair.
"No need to be frightened, I won't do anything to you tonight."

After a few minutes of silence, Phuwin got up, Fourth immediately reached out and grabbed Phuwin's shirt, as if by instinct.
Phuwin couldn't help but smile and Fourth immediately let go of Phuwin's shirt.
"I'm just going to smoke, Wanna come with?"
Fourth just noded, stood up and followed

Phuwin lighted a cigarette and took a puff. He was looking at Fourth with slight glimmer in his eyes. He didn't know that it will be this easy. He knows that he now has Fourth at the palm of his hands.

He'll of course take it slow and savor it but at the same time he can't wait. the extended his hand holding the smoke to Fourth's direction," Want a puff?"

Fourth looked at Phuwin, then without taking the Cig, took a puff. His troath felt a bit itchy but managed to inhale without congling.

They alternately puffed the smoke and ma done, Phuwin lead Fourth to the room.

"I' II take a shower first." Phuwin declared grabbed a change of clothes from his backpad together with some toiletbis.

"Oh, you came prepared."
"of course" Phuwin said with a smile.

Fourth took a bath right after and once he's done he saw that Phuwin's at the balcony again.
"Hey, are you still smoking?"
"just finished, come let's sleep."
"You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." Said Fourth.
"Nonsense!" Answered Phuwin.
"Then you take the couch!"
Phuwin headed to Fourth's room and declare your bed is big enough for the two of us! "But,"
"No buts. Are you scared?"
"No" Fourth said in a non convincing tone.
"I already said that I'm not going to do

anything to you tonight."

Fourth just resigned, he didn't want to argue with Phwin any more.

As he laid down, Phuwin shamelessly lied beside him.

Phuwin extended his arm gesturing for Fourth to an embrace.
Fourth just stared at Phuwin. Phuwin raised me of his eyebrows.

"Win you said you will not do anything tonight!"
"it's just a hug, Come on I'm sleepy."

Fourth gave in and moved to cuddle Phuwin Back facing Phuwin.

It took a couple of hours before Fourth finally feel asleep. He was restless at first, faring Phuwin might do something bad to him, but when he felt Phuwin steady breathing re relaxed and finally rested.

Phuwin woke up around three in the morning, seeing Fourth fast asleep he slowly traced his fingers down forth's nape. With labored breathing he gently kissed Fourths nape at Grnaty his kisses and trailing of his tonge.

"Hmm. I did not lie! Its' the moring now my little Fourth, but don't worry, I'll just have a little taste for now. I want you to be conscious when I finally make you mine!"He whispered before moving to Fourth's neck, being careful not to leave a mark he licks Fourth's neck then slowly moved down to the collarbone which was lightly exposed.

Phuwin held his breath when Fourth stirred but when Phuwin noticed that Fourth's still asleep he continued on his attack.

"Hmm so sweet, Fourth you taste so good, can't wait to leave all my markings on you and let everyone know that you are mine!"

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