🌌Dream 34🌌

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A week has passed, Phuwin was like Fourth's guard dog. He makes sure to bring Fourth to the University and comes early and patiently wait for Fourth's classes to be over.

Even Mark never let's Fourth be out of his sight and would only go on about his personal affairs once he securely delivers Fourth to Phuwin.

Fourth did not want to  an inconvenience but if this eases everyone's mind, he will go along with this. He's just not sure how long they have to live like this.

Fourth has been seeing Phuwin's twin more and more as well. He likes to bring them drinks and snacks. He would always whisper with Mark, sometimes it would earn a soft laugh but most of the time Mark glares at him.

Fourth wanted to ask Mark what's going on but opted to wait for Mark to spill the beans by himself.

Friday, after classes, Phuwin showed up in a distressed mood.

"What happened?" Asked Fourth, sensing Phuwin's mood.

"Uhm, that wo- my mother, she's being deported. Someone made a report that she's doing illegal substance so my place was raided. They found drugs, lot's of it."


"Well she tested positive but since the drugs were taken from my place I need to get tested too, to prove I have nothing to do with it."

"Oh, will you be okay?"

"Of course, I may drink or smoke but I don't do drugs."

"Yes, I know you don't. Let me come with you. I can also be a witness that you don't live with her and you've been living with me."

"I don't want to be a nuisance to you, my love."

"I am not a doll that's there for you to play with and cuddle, I am a living person who can be of help to my boyfriend."

"Oh, don't get mad. You can be with me. Don't sulk, of course you are not a doll, but you are mine and I am meant to love and pamper you." Phuwin kissed Fourth's cheeks.

"Really? in public, Have you guys no shame?" Gem suddenly spoke which slightly shocked the shy Fourth.  He immediately punched Phuwin's shoulders, though not heavily.

"I kiss what's mine, what is your problem."

"Uh, no problem here, brother. Why do you look tense?"

"That wo- mother, she's being investigated for drug use and is in the process of being deported, I also have to get tested."

"Hmmm. I see. Did you made any contacts with her, or went to the condo recently? I told you not to."

"I haven't spoken to her in a while, I even blocked her. Is this your doing?"

Fourth looked at the two brothers. Instead of responding, the twin just put his hands over Phuwin's shoulder.


"Just know that I got your back. You and your baby boy will be safe and happy."

Thanks, brother."


Phuwin underwent the investigation, did a drug test which came out as negative, they also had Fourth's building send CCTV proof that Phuwin was residing there and almost always there minus when he had to drive Fourth so he was proven innocent.

The mother was deported. It was bitter sweet for Phuwin but his top priority was Fourth. He saw what Fourth went through when they parted the last time, because of his jealousy.

He swore that he will take care of Fourth.

Looking back, he finds his situation funny. Back when he was in the US, he was bitter. His father left him with his very obsessive and manipulative mother, he acted like he was her good boy but did all the bad things behind her back, he longed for freedom so he moved here in Thailand.

Experience liberation, having to live the life as he see fit, not wearing the goody two shoes mask, met Fourth and for the first time ever, understood his mother, what's it like to be obsessed with someone, to the point of not wanting to let that someone out of his sight, making sure that his world revolves around him.

He knows that he can never let Fourth go, even if he needs to lock him up and chain him, he will own Fourth.

Luckily, he doesn[t need to go that route, at least not yet, as Fourth also loves him and won't go anywhere. Phuwin knows that he has to keep it that way, he will be Fourth's perfect boyfriend and they will live happily ever after...

With his mother out of the picture, his brother who seems to be into someone else, their life is headed to nothing but happiness.

Or is it?

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