🌌Dream 41🌌

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After their rest, everyone woke up refreshed.

Phuwin and Gem set up the food for  their past noon lunch.

"Are we going to all 7 tiers?" Asked Mark no one in particular.

"Might as well, it's not everyday we get to travel." It was Phuwin who opted to answer Mark.

"Can your baby boy handle it? There are times when you have to climb a hill, they opened a path so that's good but can the little baby handle it?" Teased Gem again, pertaining to Fourth.

"Of course he can. He is actually good at sports and is very athletic, it's people he can't handle, not physical activities." Mark glared at Mark while answering for Fourth.

"And he also doesn't have a mouth so you have to answer for him all the time? Who elected you as his spokeperson?" Gem teased Mark.

"I elected me! Fourth is my dearest friend, I've been taking care of him for years, I can't just stop just because he has a Faen!" Yelled Mark hugging Fourth.

"Im not sure if you are defending me or teasing me, Mark." Fourth pushed Mark lightly while whining softly.

Mark just laughed then kissed Fourth's cheeks, looking at Phuwin.

"So it's settled we are going to all floors, right?"

"Yes, we can only bring food up to Tier 2, after that, it's no longer allowed." Fourth whispered.

"So let's eat now, so we can rest a bit then start playing!" Said Mark.

The group ate in silence, Phuwin sccoping  food for Fourth while Gem scooping food for Mark.

Mark constantly glares at Gem but still accepts the food Gem prepared.

After eating they rested a bit then changed clothes and brought gears that they'll need like drinking canister, waterproof camera etc.

"It's really pretty here, I'm happy we decided to travel." Said Phuwin.

"All levels have different names, level one's called Lai Kuan Rang, here in the second level is called Wang Matcha." Said Fourth to Phuwin, knowing that Phuwin grew up in the US.

"Let's head to the third floor." Urged Mark. Phuwin and Fourth walking side by side, Gem closely following Mark.

Phuwin tried to hold Fourth's hand but Fourth was reluctant, seeing that there's many tourist.

"Let's take a picture." Said Phuwin hugging Fourth. Then whispered "Are you ashamed of having me as your boyfriend?"

"Of ofcourse not, Win."

"Then why won't you let me hold your hand?" Phuwin's voice was tensed.

"Hey, don't fight! We are having fun, let's continue to have fun and be happy, this is our first time travelling." Said Mark, sensing the tension between the lovers.

Fourth held Phuwin's hand then tiptoed to kiss Phuwin's cheeks which made Phuwin smirk. Fourth immediately dropped his head.

After taking a few selfies, the two continued to walk hand in hand, Fourth trying not to mind the people around them, fearing that Phuwin would be offended.

Mark looked at the two, he fears that Fourth is not too comfortable but at the same time understands Phuwin's point of view.

"Let them be." Gemm whispered to Mark.

"Mark shrugged and continued to take pictures of the view and the group.

"What's this level called?" Phuwin asked, noticing that Fourth was quiet. He did not want to be sulky with Fourth, he wants them to continue to have fun, he's a little mad at himself for losing his cool earlier.

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