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Koneko was furious. Angry or slighted didn't exactly do the trick when it came to expressing her current mood. She had never felt more agitated in her whole life. And all this anger was currently directed at her King, Rias Gremory.

"You did what!?" Koneko growled out while staring at her King. The volume at which she spoke was rather uncharacteristic of her especially since she was talking to the red-headed girl who was sitting calmly behind her desk, a fact that only served to piss Koneko off even more. Akeno was standing behind her queen, seemingly stuck on whether to find the scene to be amusing or actually be concerned about how angry her younger peer seemed to be at her friend.

"I visited your boyfriend." At the word boyfriend, Rias raised her hands and formed air quotes, an act that made Koneko bristle with anger. "You weren't acting like yourself so I decided to get to the bottom of it. I had my familiar follow you and discovered that you were hiding this from us. What I want to know is why didn't you tell us?" Koneko began to scowl at the girl's question before quickly taking in a deep, calming breath. Even though she was angry at her king for invading her privacy, Rias was still her King and friend.

"I didn't tell either of you because I didn't find it necessary. My relationship with Naruto is between him and myself. I didn't find the need to inform any of you because it wouldn't affect my duties as a devil or as a student." Koneko attempted to say in her usual stoic voice though it was obvious that a bit of anger had slipped into her speech.

"But it has been affecting your relationship with us. You could've told us Koneko-chan." Akeno finally spoke up. The young Nekoshou's eyes cut towards the fallen angel turned devil. The sharpness of the look caused Akeno to immediately shut her mouth. Koneko huffed at the action before crossing her arms across her chest and looking directly at the two.

"I apologize if I have been acting differently as of recently but that does not mean that I think it was right for you two to invade my privacy. You should have asked before taking such drastic measures like following me." Koneko stated with a sense of finality in her voice. Rias's eyes met the young cat girl's eyes and the two began to have a heated stare off. Akeno watched from the sidelines as the two headstrong girls' wills crashed against each other. Few people were stubborn enough to actually keep up with Rias's stubborn streak and Akeno knew that Koneko was one of those people. When the white-haired girl wanted something, she would dig it and not relent until she got that something.

In Rias's mind, she was having a mini-monologue. She was surprised that the girl was showing this much resistance to the situation. When she had originally learned about Naruto, she had just figured that Koneko had fallen to a trend that many girls her age went through. Getting a boyfriend and being a couple was something that was expected of girls her age. The two had apparently been going out for almost two months so there still was a possibility that it could be just a phase. But the look in the girl's eyes told Rias that Koneko did not believe so. This was the most passion she had ever seen the girl show since the two had met each other. It had almost made her flinch since she had never seen this type of fire in the girl's eyes. But even with that much passion, Rias was still very uncertain about the situation. To her, Koneko was still the little girl that had been looking for any sense of comfort after her sister had left her all alone. As her King and her first friend, it was her job to make sure the girl would not get hurt. Whether that was physically or emotionally did not matter to the Gremory.

"Well, I still do not approve. He is over 2 years older than you and is a human. He looks to be a ruffian and his attitude was way too pleasant when we spoke. Plus, he doesn't even attend a school. He's bound to turn out to be a delinquent if he already isn't one." Rias stated while closing her eyes, the issue being over in her mind. The temperature in the room almost seemed to drop as Koneko's anger once again spiked to its highest levels. The girl was shaking in place, her hands clenched into tight fists as he attempted to hold in her anger. Her hands were so tightly squeezed that blood was beginning to leak from underneath her fingernails.

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