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"Candy-Sama!" Naruto was really beginning to hate that title. He was very quickly starting to learn that the title of 'Sama' didn't fit him at all. He wondered if being called Hokage-Sama would've bothered him this much.

"Maybe this is why the old man hated when I called him Hokage." Naruto released a wistful sigh to himself before he allowed his attention to focus onto his newest pain in the ass.

She was a female of unquestionable attraction with some rather questionable features. Her head of red hair was about shoulder length and fell over her ruby colored eyes. The girl was somewhat tall, managing to come up to Naruto's chin. The two fox ears twitching from the top of her head gave her slight boost in height. A white kimono covered her form as several fox tails swung lazily behind her.

"Please do not call me that." The blond groaned out. If he had known that his fox companion would become a pain in the ass, he wouldn't have taken it back with him. Now he had to deal with a girl that magically transformed from a fox.

"I don't want to say I told you so, but I did." Kurama chimed in. His comment went almost entirely ignored by the blond as he decided to keep his focus on the girl.

"But you are Naruto, are you not? Tamer of Ophis, and Slayer of Kokabiel. Capable of avoiding the archangel Michael and Lucifer. God of Nature and swe-"

"Yes, yes, that's me!" Naruto interrupted the girl. Her introduction was an almost carbon copy of the one Pan gave which was slightly worrisome. He didn't want that type of reputation spreading throughout the supernatural grapevine. The fewer people who knew of his feats the better.

"So if that is you, isn't it only right that I refer to you as Candy-Sama?" The girl questioned innocently. Her response came in the form of a loud groan from the blond as he buried his head into his hands.

It was too late. She was too far gone. There was no convincing her otherwise.

"Just ... what do you want?" The blond's voice was muffled as he spoke through his fingers. His defeated tone served as a stark contrast to the excited look that popped up on the girl's face as she pulled a piece of parchment from her kimono.

"On behalf of Kyoto, the Youkai faction and Kunou-Sama, we humbly request your assistance in the retrieval of Yasaka-Sama." The girl read off the scroll before rolling it back up and storing it back into her dress. When she lifted her head to observe the blond's reaction, she was met with an utterly stupefied look from Naruto.

"What did you just say?" Naruto asked, unable to completely comprehend what the girl just said. He immediately regretted his question when the fox began to reach back into her kimono to retrieve the scroll.

"No, no, no. Just explain what you said." The teen was clearly exasperated as he spoke. Luckily for him, his message seemed to get across to the fox girl as she retracted her hand from her cloak. The blond couldn't help but let out a thankful sigh at this as the girl dived into her explanation.

"Our leader Yasaka-Sama has been kidnapped by some unsavory characters. In her leave, Kunou-Sama has taken up her position. Unfortunately, Kunou-Sama is really young and can't exactly rule properly. Plus, Yasaka-Sama has the key to the great powers that dwell within Kyoto. We must retrieve her immediately or the whole world could be destroyed." The fox's voice grew panicked towards the end of her speech. Naruto could do nothing but groan and move his hands to his temples in an attempt to stave off the headache he was inevitably going to have after dealing with this.

"Why did you come to me? I don't get the point of coming all the way here just to ask for my help. Isn't there someone else you guys could've asked for help?" The blond questioned in a somewhat futile attempt to wriggle his way out of the situation. As soon as the fox girl mentioned the destruction of the world, a large part of him knew he was going to get involved in some shape or form.

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