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"You just had to do it again, didn't you?"

"Wasn't my fault."

Before either could respond, a roar of applause from the opposite side of the room drowned the air around them. Both entities looked over toward the sound. The sight of a large crowd of held their attention for a few moments before they looked away.

"My office is filled with angry sea people. Do you know how bad they smell when they're not in the water?"

A small chuckle escaped past his lips at the man's words. A sip from his glass managed to silence any more laughter. The orange, fizzy liquid bubbled and popped in his throat with fervor, pushing him to drink more.

"You've toppled two Olympians. The Greeks are demanding answers. Can you at least slow down a bit? Maybe aim for a minor god next time?"

"And I told you, it wasn't me this time."

Oh, he was glad it was not him this time. For once, his luck was playing in his favor. He found it sort of ironic that it came to fruition in Las Vegas of all places. He certainly could have used it a bit earlier.

Another sip from his drink drive that thought out of his head. At this point, he would take what he could get. Luck was luck and beggars could not be choosers.

"I don't care what you say. The fact of the matter is that Poseidon's people saw you fighting him then he's dead. Gone."

"Lilith ate him."

A part of him felt bad for the jackal-headed god sitting next to him. The exasperated look on Anubis' face spoke volumes of the crap the god had been going through because of him.

That part of him was silenced with another mouthful of his fizzy drink.

"Look." Anubis ran a hand through the bush of braids that sat at the back of his head. "Can you just slow it down? Maybe switch up your target group? The Hindus have millions!"

"I can't promise anything. Zeus apparently has it out for me."

Watching the god slam his against the bar shouldn't have been amusing enough to make him laugh yet it did. Maybe it was the image of a dog banging his head in exasperation or maybe his empathetic abilities had been worn down by his own experiences.

Either way, he was laughing on the inside

"I give up. There's no point in fighting it. Go ahead and commit deicide. Who cares?"

The god's groan ranged out beneath the cover of his arms. Naruto reached over and gave the god a comforting pat on the back. He may have been inwardly laughing but that didn't mean he couldn't feel the man's pain. He could relate to the crushing futility of trying to change a situation.

He could relate all too well.

"Boy, Vegas is the place to be!"

If the god wasn't in public, Naruto was sure he would be screaming in frustration based off of the dread that populated his face. With a sense of foreboding, Anubis raised his head up and turned it toward the voice.

"Without golden boy Hades, luck is finally headin' my way!"

Out of the crowd of came strutting Osiris. The full suit the blond had seen him in was abandoned; In its place, a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of khakis covered the man's mummified skin.

"That scythe-wielding bastard ain't holding me back anymore. Egypt is gettin' her gold back!"

Another sigh from Anubis drew Naruto's attention back over to the jackal. If looks could kill, he was sure that both Anubis and Osiris would be dead as the jackal's gaze was equal parts embarrassed and resentful.

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