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Before we go any further, I feel like I need to clear up some things. Now, I know there's been a lot of words thrown around. Some people think a certain way and others think the otherwise. I'm talking right now to straighten all of that out.

My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am a lot of things. I am, and forever will be, a shinobi from the Hidden Leaf Village. I am the son of the Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. I am the container of the nine-tailed fox, Kurama. I am a member of team 7, apprentice to the legendary Toad Sannin, reincarnation of old man Sage's son, future Hokage and avid ramen lover.

What I am NOT is a god.

I don't care how many people call me one. I don't care how many stupid weapons and symbols get tossed at me. I don't even care about how many people worship me. I am not and will never be a god of ANYTHING. This includes candy, ramen, heaven, earth and whatever other stupid thing you want to say I have control over.

I'm just a normal guy who got thrown into a crazy situation. Until I say otherwise, I will be just that.

I know everyone won't accept this. I know they'll be some people out there who will think of me as their god until the day I die. I can't help that. I can't fix that. All I can do is tell as many of you the truth and hope to whatever actual god that is out there that as many as you as possible will listen.

But, deep down in my stomach, I have a feeling no one will.

"Two more kids without me? Naruto, I'm hurt."

"Father, I have siblings now?"

"Your spawn creating skills are expressive, Naruto."

Speechless. Confused. Dumbfounded. Frustrated.

There were a lot of words you could have used to describe his overall mood. Any of them would have been accurate because, honestly, there was no one way to describe how he felt. He was speechless because no matter how much he wanted to shout his head off, the words wouldn't escape his mouth. They remained trapped beneath an invisible barrier that was at work trying to keep his sanity together.

"Rejoice! He is back. After all those years, he has returned to us."

As gently as his shockladden mind could manage, his arms came up and pushed the girl away from himself. Ignoring the confused expression on the angel's face, he turned to Ophis, his face an unreadable mask of swirling emotions.

"Please make a portal back to my house."

The dragon's loyalty to him shone bright when she carried out his request without any questioning. With a small amount of gesturing on her part, a portal stood in his path. Naruto offered up Koneko a pointed look before stepping through the portal.

"H-Hey, wait! Don't leave me here, nya!" Seeing her caretaker disappear through a portal set the older Nekoshou alight. She jumped through the air toward the portal in pursuit of him, only for her path to be blocked by her little sister's back. Her momentum came to a hard stop when she crashed into the younger girl's back, sending her crumpling to the ground. A pained groan crawled its way out of her throat as she watched her sister step through the portal instead of her.

"Excuse me." From her position on the ground, Kuroka got an amazing view of Lilith stepping over her body and following Naruto and Koneko through the portal. Ophis followed right behind the younger dragon. Soon, there was no one but Kuroka and the two angels left in the building.

"I should get going." Kuroka managed to force out in the midst of some nervous laughter. She began to climb back up to her feet in order to leave, only to be blown back down to the ground when Gabriel went blazing past her through the portal. To add insult to injury, the portal closed just as the winged blonde leaped through it, leaving her alone with the de facto leader of Heaven.

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