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A cold shudder ran up Vali's spine as the cold winter air blasted against his body. The boy's breath was visible as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest in a feeble attempt to retain some of his body heat. A harsh scowl marked his face as he glanced down at the piece of paper locked between his fingers.

"It's already been two hour." The boy muttered to himself as he crushed the piece of paper before burning it with the usage of his devil power. He had been rudely awakened earlier that morning by a way too overly enthusiastic Azazel. The fallen angel had come charging into his room, waking him up for his rather peaceful sleep, before slamming a piece of paper on his chest and dashing back out. It had taken several seconds to fully awaken from the rude wake-up call before he even read the paper. The paper was orange in color and had the simple message of 'Don't forget, 5am.' written on it. Seeing that it was already 4ish, the devil had dragged himself out of bed, gotten dressed and made his way over to the shop.

That was two hours ago. It was now 6 am and there was absolutely no sign of the blonde. The bitter, winter cold made the wait seem twice as long. Each minute that the teen was forced to wait was another minute he was closer to blowing up the shop.

"No one would even know it was me." Vali mumbled to himself as his hands began to heat up from him channeling his demonic energy into him. He uncrossed his arms as twin orbs of energy formed against his palms. The orbs began to grow in size as Vali continued to feed them more and more of his energy.

"What do you think you're doing?" All the built up energy immediately died down when Vali heard a voice from behind him. The boy turned and came face to face with a warmly clothed Naruto with Koneko by his side.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting out here for two hours and you just casually show up like this?" Vali yelled. Naruto blankly stared back at the irritated teen before walking past him to the door of the shop. Vali looked close to snapping as the blond took out a key and opened up the door before stepping inside.

"This boy is really testing your patience. And you're really failing that test." Vali released a loud grunt at his partner's words.

"Don't try to play his actions off as a test. He doesn't deserve to be let off so easily." Albion sighed at his host's response before going silent, realizing that the boy was too wrapped up in his anger to reason with. With his partner now silent, Vali made a weak attempt at reining in his anger before ultimately failing and following after the blond.

As soon as he entered, he was taken off guard as an apron slammed into his face. The devil quickly ripped away the garment from his face to glare at Naruto. The blond didn't seem the least bit bothered by the glare as he settled himself down at one of the tables with Koneko.

"Storage is in the back along with the inventory checklist. Make sure everything is in order before we open." The lackadaisical way the blond addressed him served to irritate the teen even more. And the devil was getting very close to violently expressing this irritation to his 'boss'.

"Aren't you at least going to show me where to go, boss." The last word was said with such thinly veiled sarcasm that Vali was sure that the shinobi would verbally retaliate. Fortunately for the devil, Naruto didn't seem to be too bothered by the remark as he stood from his seat and gestured for the sacred gear user to follow him.

The teen led them behind the counter of the shop and through it's backdoors. Vali was immediately taken back by the massive designs that covered the entirety of the floor and hallway walls. The hallway seemed to glow and pulsate with an entrancing sort of power that served to mesmerize the devil. He didn't have much time to examine the glowing patterns as he was dragged further back into the shop.

A Simple Teenage Shop OwnerWhere stories live. Discover now