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Ophis the infinite dragon god was born from the chaos and nothingness of the universe. From the moment it took its first breath, all it new was the silence of the world. And it enjoyed every single last second of that silence. It spent countless of years in that silence and it wouldn't trade it away for anything. And it didn't seem like it would ever have to give that up. No one ever visited the dimensional gap. Anyone that somehow made their way into the dimension was usually destroyed instantly.

Great Red seemed to be an exception to that rule. The dragon actually seemed to thrive in the turbulent environment. The dimensional gap was constantly filled with its boastful laughter as flew through the dimension. The whole experience had been rather surreal to the infinite dragon before the fact that someone had invaded it's home had finally settled into her brain.

The infinite dragon and the Great red thus entered into combat. Ophis wanted its home and silence back to herself while the Great Red wanted to continue doing its cool tricks without anyone watching him. For two beings of great and almost unimaginable powers, the argument seemed almost childish but no one was there to point that fact out.

The two dragons clashed over and over again, each battle ending in a tie. While it was a tie, it was technically a loss for Ophis as Great Red remained in its domain. This sequence of battles continued for decades until Ophis came to a sudden realization.

It couldn't beat the Great Red. No matter how powerful it thought it was, it's power could and would be met by the apocalyptic dragon. It would never regain the silence it had came to love at this rate.

This forced Ophis to come up with a solution to her problem. From her many trips into outside of the dimensional gap, Ophis knew that there were powerful beings in existence besides itself. None as powerful as her but still some were very powerful. If it managed to gather enough of these powerful beings under one banner, it could possibly beat or at least force Great Red out of the dimensional gap.

And so, the Khaos Brigade was born. Ophis went about recruiting dozens of different creatures from each of the different factions. She even recruited humans who were the descendants of heroes. It had gotten to the point where their numbers had started to reach into the hundreds but Ophis knew it was not enough. The Great Red was a being of immense power, power that could rival her own and Ophis knew it could completely wipe out the Khaos Brigade if necessary. Great Red would be able to do the same if the group went into battle. Ophis needed more, it needed something greater to fight against the dragon.

And something greater did appear. It literally ripped a hole through the dimensional gap before disappearing into the human world. But in that brief moment where the blur was in the gap, Ophis felt power. Unbelievable, overwhelming power that had actually frozen the infinite dragon in its tracks. That was power it needed. That was the power it needed to defeat Great Red and claim the dimensional gap to itself again.

So it had sent several scouts out into the human world to search for it. For the first several months, the dragon and it's scouts had absolutely no results. Ophis usually wasn't one for emotions but anger was definitely present at the lack of results. The solution to all it's problems had literally passed within a foot of it and now that power seemed to be unfindable. Ophis had almost thrown a hissy fit but had luckily been stopped when one of its best scouts brought some good news.

The source of energy had been located, in Kuoh of all places. Ophis was very well aware of Kuoh, the place was a literal hub for supernatural creatures. Devils, angels, fallen angels and even demons could be found wandering the city in broad daylight. How a war between the factions hadn't started in the middle of the city, Ophis would never know. That city was literally a melting pot for conflict.

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