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Panic filled Kuroka as soon as her senses started to return to her. It was a type of panic that she hadn't felt since she was a young child. A fear born from being powerless and helpless. This was what Kuroka felt when she awakened and realized she couldn't feel her demonic energy flowing through her body.

The Nekoshou rose from the couch she was situated on, her eyes filled with caution as she scanned the room. A sense of realization slowly crossed the girl's face as she recognized the place as the living room of the teenage boy she assaulted yesterday. The fear she was feeling quickly turned into anger as an angry scowl formed on her face.

"When I see that bastard I swear I'm going to mutilate his genitals." The young woman muttered to herself as she began to examine the rest of room. She had been rather agitated during her visit last night so she never got a chance to truly observe the room.

For a teenager living on himself, the place was surprisingly clean. Any damage that the girl may of done last night seemed to have been repaired as everything looked to be in working order. A small couch sat next to the one she had been laying on through the night. A mid-sized TV stood in direct view of both of the couches. A small coffee table sat within arm's length of the couches as well. The door that she was sure had splintered under her kick had been replaced with another one.

Kuroka made her way out of the living room and into the adjacent kitchen. The cooking area was rather small. It contained a compact oven that was alongside a microwave. The sink was directly next to the oven and a small amount of dirty dishes could be seen in it. All of the cabinets were closed but if one knew Naruto, they would be able to assume that they were filled with ramen. And their assumption would be 100% right.

"That lazy bastard is probably still asleep." Kuroka mumbled to herself as she made her way out of the kitchen. The Nekoshou quickly found the hallway leading to the master bedroom and began to follow it. As she walked down the hallway, the pictures hanging along it's walls caught her attention. Some of the images looked to be pictures of the blonde when he was younger along with some other kids. Some of those pictures showed the blonde alongside a pink haired girl, a dark haired boy and an older, silver-haired man. The other pictures showed the blonde standing beside a variety of other kids and adults.

The thing that really caught Kuroka's attention were the weird symbols that were either carved onto the wall's surface or were being held up by a picture frame. The symbols contained the complexity of the Clan seals that the devils used to identify their heritage. At random intervals, the seals would glow a light blue, making the house seem almost alive.

Kuroka's observation came to an end as she found herself in front of the door she assumed to be the master bedroom. The feline woman pressed her ear against the door, her ears straining to catch any indication that the blonde was awake. When her sensitive hearing picked up no sounds, she withdrew her head from the door and quietly opened the door. Kuroka ignored the interior of the room as she made her way over to the large covered up lump sitting in the middle of the bed. Her steps were quiet, almost soundless, as she approached her target. Her claws began to slide from out of her hands as she stood over the bed. Her scowl morphed into a twisted grin as she raised her hands into the air in preparation for her attack.

"Die, you bastard!" Kuroka yelled as she began to slash and swipe at the bedding. Her sharp nails cut right through the blankets and descended into the lump underneath. Cotton and fluff were thrown into the air as Kuroka continued to assault the bed for a full minute before finally pulling back, clearly out of breath. The girl observed her handywork, a smile on her face until she noticed the distinct lack of blood or screams coming from her "victim".

In a wild haste, the Nekoshou ripped the blankets off of her supposed victim. To the girl's horror, the lump underneath the ruined covers was not the blonde who had knocked her out. Instead it was a large pile of pillows that were arranged to resemble the shape of the boy. Laying on top of these pillows, strangely unharmed by Kuroka's assault, was a small note written in the blonde's handwriting.

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