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"I can see why my daughter was so interested in your treats. They are quite delicious." If looks could kill, Yasaka would be dead on the floor of Naruto's shop with a mouthful of caramel dripping from her mouth. Fortunately for her, no matter how intense Koneko made her stare, the leader of Kyoto would not succumb to her looks.

"Ah~ Its not polite to stare, Koneko-chan." The Nekoshou briefly switched off her glare to look at Akeno. The devil was sat comfortably on the stool next to her and was sending the smaller girl and amused yet knowing glance.

The entirety of Rias' peerage was currently at the blond's establishment. The group had decided to take one of their rare days off from school and general devil-work to pay Naruto a visit. It also helped that Koneko had convinced the shinobi to give them just about everything for free.

Their visit just happened to coincide with the day after Ophis' return, which also brought about Yasaka's presence to the shop. When Koneko walked into the shop and saw that the dragon god had returned, her mood plummeted. When she saw that an unknown and buxom lady was chatting it up with her boyfriend, the already sour mood took a turn for the worse.

"Do not care." The girl grunted out before shifting her focus back onto Yasaka. Fortunately, the woman's attention was being taken up by Issei. The boy was completely distracted by the loosely contained breast of the leader of the Youkai. She remained somewhat ignorant to the dirty looks Koneko was shooting her, saving Rias from possibly having to deal with a war between the Youkai and her peerage.

"Naruto-san, you amaze me with each visit. I have no idea how you're able to perfectly blend this tea with chocolate essence and produce a magnificent taste palate. Fantastic job." Kiba commented as he sipped from his mug. His comment earned him an incredulous look from Naruto as the blond stood behind his counter.

"Kiba ... you know that's just hot chocolate right? I literally just melted some chocolate into milk?" Naruto said slowly, not entirely believing that the devil was unaware of the existence of hot chocolate. It was such a common beverage during the winter time back home.

"Chocolate melted in milk. You're a true culinary genius, Naruto-san." The boy looked entirely sincerely as he spoke, throwing Naruto even further into his confused loop. He honestly couldn't tell if the blond was messing with him or not. In the end, he decided to take the boy's words as a compliment and move on.

"Here's your bag, Yasaka-san." Naruto said before holding out a giant white plastic bag. The Youkai leader gave a long whiff of the object before sighing contently. She happily reached over and plucked the object from the blond's hand.

"My daughter is going to love these. I'll have to make sure that she saves me some." Her comment earned her a small round of chuckling from the group of devils, excluding Koneko. The young girl seemed content with staying silent and staring down the woman that seemed to almost radiate beauty.

"Yasaka-sama!" Everyone's attention was taken away from one another as a new person came bursting into the shop. The same kitsune that had begged for Naruto's help originally now stood panting in front of the small group with a large grin plastered across her face.

"I ... didn't believe you ... but you did it so quickly!" The girl panted out while flashing a large smile at Naruto. "You really are amazing ... Candy-Sama."

Naruto smiled awkwardly back at the girl as everyone's attention shifted back onto him. The fact that she was still calling him by 'Candy-Sama' was worrying. He had hoped to get further away from that title.

"I agree with dear Kuichi-chan. I appreciate the efforts taken by you and your adorable colleague." Yasaka chimed in. As soon as the words left her mouth, Naruto was already turning to explain himself.

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