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"Is this information accurate?" A guttural voice sounded out from within the dark confines of the chamber. To say the room was pitch black would be a massive understatement. Not a single photon of light seemed to be able to find its way into the room. Yet its two occupants seemed to have no trouble conversing in it.

"Yes. The two have been spotted along the outskirts of Kuoh. We've had several of our agents tracking them but they seem to alone. Our sco-" The second voice was quickly silenced as wet squelching noise filled the air. The squelching turned into a wet gurgling sound as a loud thump quickly accompanied it. The gurgling continued for close to a full minute before it died away.

"Should've figured he wouldn't fall for the bait. That man is no idiot." The remaining voice spoke as a soft, creaking sound filled the dark chamber. The slow sound of footsteps echoed throughout the room as a small amount of light began to seep into the room.

"Well, if he won't start a war, I'll be happy to start one for him. And I'll start by showing Sirzechs and Michael just how powerful the fallen angel's have become." The voice proclaimed as the light grew stronger and stronger. The light finally grew strong enough for the owner of the voice to be revealed.

The man had a sickly pale tone that almost seemed to glow in the dim light that had seeped into the room. He possessed long, silky black hair that flowed down and past his shoulders. His red eyes and pointy ears gave him a very impish appearance. Five pairs of black wings extended from his shoulder blades.

The light that had crept into the room also revealed what exactly had happened to the owner of the other voice. The man could be seen collapsed onto his knees on the ground. His hands were up to his neck as the pained expression that was now eternally etched on his face spoke of the pain he felt during his last living moments. A large size hole that was slowly leaking minutes amount of blood seemed to be the cause of the man's death and suffering.

"If Azazel refuses to abide by my plans then so be it. I will carry them out myself. Both the Gremory and Sitri are mistaken if they think their children are protected within this city. I will show just how dangerous the fallen can be." The man commented before allowing his wings to stretch out behind him.

"Tell Galilei and Freed to prepare their holy swords. We have devils to slay." The man seemingly said to no one. Obviously someone must've been listening as the sound of wings quickly followed the man's words. With his order seemingly being taken care of, the fallen angel gave one last long at the corpse at his feet before a large, light spear appeared within his hand. With a single flick of his wrist, the spear buried into the the man's chest, completely incinerating the body on contact.

"Trash. I don't need weaklings by my side in this war."

"Vali! I need you to clean up that mess by table six!" Naruto's cheerful voice rang throughout the shop. Standing by the counter, one Vali Lucifer let out an agitated sigh before grabbing the mop leaning against the wall next to him.

Anyone that knew Vali and what exactly he had been through in the past two weeks would be interested why exactly he was back in Naruto's shop. After the blond soundly beat him into the ground and then interrogated, one would expect him to stay as far away as possible from him and his shop. But instead, we find him with an apron wrapped around his waist and a mop in his hand.

To be completely honest, the devil had no wish to be here. His pride had been wounded by his defeat and being close to the person that handed it to him definitely wasn't helping the healing process. But unfortunately, he didn't really have many options at this point.

Azazel had ... cut him off. As much as it pained for the teen to admit it, his source of resources solely relied on the fallen angel up until a week ago. When he had returned to the Grigori headquarters after his defeat, he had stormed to Azazel's office to vent his frustrations. His venting was greeted with the mocking laughter of the fallen angel general, much to the devil's frustration.

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