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Koneko couldn't help but release an angry hiss at the retreating form of the pair of heiresses. The anger that she was feeling far surpassed anything she had felt before. Even the feeling of Naruto's arms wrapped around her couldn't quell the negative emotions that had built up inside of her.

Naruto released a sigh as he continued to embrace his agitated girlfriend. The emotions that were quite literally pouring out from the girl were very noticeable to the sage, even without his empathetic abilities. Koneko had already made it known that Rias' initial "curiosity" in their relationship had irritated her. When this new girl had come charging into his shop and started to order her around, he instantly knew that it was going to set off the Neko-girl. He had felt the build up of emotions in his girlfriend with each word that came out of the black-haired girl's mouth.

Naruto's attention was snapped back to the girl when he heard her hiss once again. It seemed she wasn't going to calm down by herself any time soon. A small smirk made its way onto his face when he realized he would have to calm her down himself.


Koneko released yet another hiss as her nose was assaulted with Rias' and Sona's stench. The two devils' scent lingered in the air which only served to irritate her. She couldn't even sniff without getting a nose full of their smell, a fact that almost set her off the edge. Not even her boyfriend's embrace was enough to calm her down at the moment. Her king had once again invaded her privacy and this time had even brought in Sona to help her do so! And she had the audacity to do it when she was spending time with her mate? She was not just going to lie down and take that. In her mind, her attacking of Sona was one hundred percent justified and nothing would change that.

Koneko growled to herself, completely unaware of her boyfriend's train of thought or the expression on his face. She was so wrapped up in her own anger that she didn't even realize that one of Naruto's hands had once again made it's way to her head until it was too late. A sharp gasp unexpectedly escaped her lips when she felt his calloused hand gently caress her Nekoshou ear.

"W-what are you doing?" Koneko managed to stutter out as Naruto gently stroked her head.

"Just be quiet and relax." Naruto said as his hand continued to stroke the girl's ears. He felt her shiver in his embrace, causing his smirk to evolve into a full-blown grin.

Honestly, the blond was rather inexperienced when it came sex. He was a virgin with his only experience when it came to the act was ,unfortunately, having to listen to Jiraiya have it when the man would somehow manage to rope some poor woman into having it with him. Those nights were probably the only ones he wished he could've NOT spent with the man.

He also had read the books his perverted sensei had created. At the moment, he was planning to follow the general lines that the book had set-up for him.

Still, he was completely ignorant AND inexperienced when it came to girls with cat appendages. However, he did know that cats usually enjoyed it when you gently stroked their ears and their tails. It seemed like the same thing applied to Koneko.

Koneko released another gasp when she felt Naruto's other hand gently wrap around the base of her tail. Her arms found their way wrapped around the boy's midsection as his hand slowly slid along the length of her tail. She could sense a small wetness forming near her crotch as Naruto's petting sent waves of pleasure rushing through her body. The gentle caressing of her cat appendages was driving her crazy.

*I edited out the lemon. Sorry*

"Naru-kun." Koneko managed to mumble out through the haze of pleasure that had overtaken her. Her boyfriend's attention was now directed towards the young girl's face. Naruto immediately noticed the heavy blush that had settled on her face. Her breathing seemed labored as her eyes became half-lidded. It was very obvious to him what the girl was currently feeling.

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