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The light filtered through the main window of the living room. The soft sound of birds lively chirping could be heard from within the confines of the room.

Laid on top of the singular coach was one of the last remaining Nekoshous within existence. Her expression was one of serenity as the early morning sun shone onto her blanket covered form. The soft chirps of the birds made her second set of ears twitch slightly as she slept.

The girl managed to keep her calm aura and appearance for several minutes before the chirping of the birds became too much for her unconscious mind to ignore. With slight twitch and a loud groan, Kuroka returned to the land of consciousness. The Nekoshou slowly shrugged off the blankets covering her body as she sat completely upright on the couch. She gave off a loud yawn and she stretched her arms up to the ceilings, filling the room with the sound of bones cracking and setting as she worked out any kinks that had built up in her sleep.

She finished her stretch with a loud sigh before allowing her arms to fall limply by her side. She gave a comedic smack of her lips while looking around the room. Mounds of clothing and food containers could be seen strewn across the floor, giving the room a rather messy appearance.

The mess was entirely caused by her which was a fact that irked her blond housemate/kidnapper while bringing her a large amount of joy. Surprisingly, at least to her, the blond seemed to detest the mess that had managed to build up within the main living area. The empty ramen packets seemed to serve as reminders of the ramen he hadn't gotten the chance to enjoy. The clothes and other miscellaneous junk only served to salt the wound.

He never verbalized his agitation, though. She figured it was partly out of guilt of 'holding her captive'. She used that phrase lightly since her occupation within the Uzumaki household felt far better than being held in captivity. Despite their rather odd and sometimes tumultuous relationship, the blond was an amazing host. He brought her clothes, though she was sure that was only because he got tired of her kimono 'accidentally slipping' throughout the day. He brought home food for her when he could and when he couldn't, he made sure the kitchen was properly stocked. He even held conversations with her when she took a break from teasing him.

All in all, she had enjoyed her stay within Naruto's home. She wished that she could've slept in the same bed as the blond but the couch would do for now. She would just have to wait until she was ready to confront her little sister, heal her relationship with said little sister then convince that little sister to let her share her adorable blond boyfriend.

"Easier said than done." The Nekoshou muttered to herself before standing from the couch. She gave another long stretch of her body before heavily plodding over to the kitchen area of the apartment. She knew that she didn't have to worry about being quiet as her house guest was long gone. He always got up early to either open up the shop or to prepare food for the shop or to order something for the shop.

"Everything he does is either shop or Shirone related, Nya~." The girl mused to herself out loud as she opened the door to the refrigerator. Every single morning, she liked to start the day off with a large glass of milk, courtesy of Naruto, of course. The action always seemed to annoy the blond as he was constantly forced to buy more milk and not actually get a chance to enjoy it.

The girl gave a nonchalant shrug while scanning over the contents of the fridge. Her eyes seemed to light up as they landed on the object of her affection. The spark of excitement instantly turned into one of curiosity as she noticed a small sticky note attached to the carton of milk.

"Hmmm." The girl verbalized as she withdrew the milk along with the note from the fridge. She absentmindedly allowed the door to the kitchen appliance to slam shut behind her as she began to read the note out loud to herself.

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