643 14 2

I made the wrong decision.

No, no, no. That's not the right way to say it.

What I actually meant is ... being a god is a little more difficult than I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, I guessed that I would run into some problems when I made my decision. I just didn't think the problems would be so .. annoying.

In retrospect, I should have expected that. Going from a shop owner to a god was bound to be a difficult leap for anyone, even a guy as great as me. I guess, I just figured the world had already shovelled enough on my plate that it would give me a break if I decided to try and fix it.

I was wrong.

So very wrong.



"It's time to wake up, father."

A tinge of red surrounded the blue irises of his eyes. The view of his ceiling and the feeling of his bed beneath him gave him the slightest bit of reprieve to the unavoidable stress that laid before him.

"I thought we had an agreement, Gabriel." He rolled to his right, shifting the covers over his shirtless form. From behind the hill of blankets that covered a sleeping Koneko, he could see spot the angel beaming at him at his bedside.

"I know, I know but this was important and I didn't want to risk you not getting the message."

"Shut up."

Koneko's sleepy drawl was accompanied with a heavy flop of her hand against Naruto's chest. The blond stared at the offending limb for a few moments before a sigh climbed out of his throat. With his forearms, he pushed himself up so that his upper body was now upright in the bed.

"Whats the matter, Gabriel?"

The angel squirmed in place for several seconds. The smile on her face grew with each passing moment until it seemed as if it was about to pop right off of her face. Right when it seemed as if she was about to burst, her mouth opened to release her pent up excitement.

"Its Michael's birthday!"


As if a hole had been poked into the balloon holding together her happiness, Naruto watched as his single barb-laced word drained the energy from the woman. It was amusing in a way that didn't reach him due to his own fatigue. What did reach him was the pout that erected itself on the angel's face.

"What do you mean 'so'? This is a really special day! Michael hasn't had a birthday with his dad for thousands of years!"

"I'm not his dad, though."

The pout that appeared on her face told him immediately that this wasn't going to go away as easily as he would have wanted it to.

"I know you're not but you could at least show up and say Hi. He's been working so hard for the past thousand of years. I'm sure he would love to see you!"


Without a single word further, the girl bounded out of his open door, a smile plastered across her face the whole way through. A series of malignant thoughts crossed his mind at the sight of her face as he swung his feet off of his bed.

Was he that predictable? Had he been so foreseeable that even the bubbly and admittedly ignorant angel could see through him and leave the room happy knowing that she was going to get what she wanted? Had he made such a turn?


Koneko's sleep-dusted voice provided the perfect answer for him. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the girl was staring at him through a single squinted eye. A sea of orange blankets kept everything but her head obscured.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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