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The mid-afternoon sun hung high up in the air over Kuoh academy, lazily shining down the last remnants of its rays. The school day had ended over an hour ago and the weekend was on the horizon, so only a few students could be seen milling about the campus grounds. Even fewer could be found within the school itself. Among the few was a particular group of devils that were sharing a discussion.

All in all, the image of the school made for a rather peaceful setting. The sun was slowly making its descent through the sky and was throwing an orange hue over the city. A small flock of birds flew high through the sky, throwing miniature shadows across the ground as they flexed their wings in order to fight against the pull of gravity.

If one were to look hard enough, they would be able to distinguish another figure floating high in the cool afternoon sky. The figure's ten black wings kept him afloat in the air as he peered down at the serene scene below him.

"Moments like these makes me detest the weakness that has been bred from this peace." The man said out loud before releasing a small sigh. The fallen angel flexed his wings slightly, sending him further up into the air as spears of light began to phase into existence around him.

"I refuse to allow these devils to poison my air with their presence. It it up to me to take their extermination into my own hands." The fallen angel spoke as he finished his ascent. At the apex of his flight, hundreds upon hundreds of light spears were now surrounding him, making for a brilliant but deadly light display. All remained calm for several long seconds before, with a simple flick of his wrist, the man sent his rain of light spears down upon the school.

"Let the games begin."

Something was wrong. He could feel it. As soon as he stepped foot into his house, he could sense it. Something was off. He couldn't tell what was wrong but he could SOMETHING was off.

The blond gently closed the door behind him as he warily took a step into his living room. The area of strangely quiet, something that he initially chalked up to Kuroka's departure. The Nekoshou had been the source of liveliness within his home for the past several weeks and he knew that without her, his house would be much more quiet.

But her absence wasn't what was giving him such a strange feeling. It was something else. He could sense something off within his house. He didn't like the feeling.

The creaking of his floorboards. Down the hall to the left in the southernmost room. His bedroom. His brow creased in frustration as the realization came over him. Someone was in his bedroom. No one had stepped foot into that room aside from Kuroka. Not even Koneko had been in there.

The blond was ghostlike as he slowly glided his way down the hallway. The slight creaking noise he had heard previously increased in volume with each soundless step he took. He could make out the sound of light breathing coming from the opposite side of his door. His brow furrowed in frustration as a kunai silently appeared within his hand.

The blond didn't even make proper usage of his door as he reappeared within his room in a bright flash of yellow light. He had immediately settled down into a crouch while his kunai remain drawn, ready to strike out at anything that so much as twitched. His eyes began to scan the small room for the intruder, and he didn't have to search far.

"Oh Kami, what are you doing here?"

Chaos. There wa no other way to describe just what exactly was going in on Kuoh Academy grounds. The once peaceful schoolyard had turned into a breeding ground of disarray as chaos ran rampant.

This is what Rias was facing. In all honesty, she should of seen this coming. Her position as potential clan heir demanded that she be more tactful when it came to matters such as this. Fallen angels within devil territory should've been a big enough warning sign to her. She should've been preparing herself and her peerage. She should've expected this. But she didn't and now she was paying for it.

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