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"Bring them in." Michael's voice resonated throughout his massive office. The angel standing by the entrance gave the seraph a simple nod before opening the doors to the office.

In came walking two females. By any standards, the two young girls could be considered beautiful and the clothes they wore only accented that fact. Their attire consisted of black, skin-tight unitard that stopped right at thigh level. They both wore fingerless glove that extended almost the entire length of their arms.

The more sedate of the duo had chin-length blue hair that clashed beautifully with her bright, yellow eyes. The girl's stature was upright and stiff as a white, hooded cloak hung from her shoulder. Strapped to her back was a massive broadsword that had a blue blade and a golden edge.

The other girl seemed to be her polar opposite of her partner. She had dark, chestnut colored hair that was styled in twintails and flowed down her whole back. Her posture was relaxed and carefree as a small smile was plastered across her face. Strapped to her waist was a simple long sword that shone brightly in the well-lit room.

"Irina and Xenovia. It is very nice to see you both again. I hope that you two are doing well." Michael started off the conversation in a friendly manner. He knew exactly the gravity of the mission he was about to assign the duo and felt that it was best to ease them into the situation.

Xenovia responded with a simple nod of her head, her respect for man stopping her from giving a verbal response. Since birth, she had been trained under the teaching of exorcists, religious figureheads and angels. The level of respect and admiration she held for Michael and the other angels was unfathomable.

Irina, on the other hand, had no qualms in verbally responding to the man. Similar to Xenovia, she had grown up under a very strict christian background. Since birth, she had been taught about respecting the lord and his followers. She just had a hard time restraining herself at times. She was the very definition of a devout christian. Anyone who mocked her religion faced her wrath.

"I'm doing fantastic, Michael-Sama! I always love coming to Heaven. Everyone here is just so nice and the air is fresh and everything is amazing." The girl spouted out, earning a slight chuckle from the Seraph and his standing guard. Xenovia didn't seem to find the behavior as fun as an annoyed look crossed the young woman's face. She managed to hold back in reprimanding her partner since she was in the presence of one of her idols. She would just wait until later.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad that you two are doing so well. It warms my heart that two of our best exorcist are continuing to excel out in the field." In all honesty, Michael almost felt bad at the happy feelings washing out from the two girls. He honestly hated having to manipulate the two like this but it had to be done.

"Now I bet you two have been wondering why exactly I called you up here. Most people don't get the privilege of stepping foot in any part of Heaven after all." Michael gave a deliberate pause in order to set the gravity of the situation. The pause was purposeful and its purpose was to emphasize the privilege the girls had been given. Receiving some type of special privilege from one of their idols would undoubtedly make the duo ecstatic.

Just as Michael assumed, a wave of excitement coursed through the church duo. Up until this point, they hadn't fully taken in the fact that they had an audience that consisted of one of God's children. And this very same man was complimenting them.

"Now I'm going to be frank with you girls. I know that you are aware of the recent theft of the excalibur fragments. Up until recently, we weren't sure of the culprit and their location but we have finally managed to track him down. The culprit is a former brother of mine named Kokabiel." The named dropped by the Seraph elicited a gasp from both of the girls.

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