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"Why are you still here? Don't you have a whole group of gods to rule over?"

"Meh, Thor, Tyr and Freya can handle it. I'm on a vacation." Odin flippantly commented before reaching over the counter in an attempt to snatch one of the freshly made sugary creations that had been tempting his appetite. His attempt ended in pain when Naruto smacked his hand away with a wooden ladle, causing the god to let out a howl of pain as he retracted his hand.

"Can't you move your vacation somewhere else? My shop isn't really all that scenic."

"I would say otherwise. Look at all the lovely people who have came here to see the 'Candy-Sama'." The man's voice was teasing as he turned his body to gesture at the crowd of people behind him.

And, he was right. The store was almost bursting with people. Every single table in the building was filled. Every single seat Naruto had was in use. There were even people just standing around, waiting for a chance to purchase and taste one of his treats.

Naruto knew that the bulk of his customers wasn't what the god was focusing on. Odin was all but leering at the females inside the shop. His eyes bounced from table to table, drinking in every inch of cleavage and leg he could find. At one point he began drooling, which was the point that Naruto decided to cut the god's pervertedness short by slapping him in the back of his head.

"What was that for?" Odin sent Naruto an accusatory glare while holding the back of his now throbbing blond decided to rightfully ignore his outburst in favor of fulfilling yet another order. He passed off the tray of cupcakes to his clones and watched as it dashed across the store with the treats in hand.

"You know ... cute girls aren't the only reason why I stay around here?"

"Oh really? What else is keeping you here?" Outwardly, the blond didn't even pause in his movements as he began to prepare a tray of crescent rolls. Inwardly, he was preparing himself to deny any attempt at getting him join, team up or partner with Odin and his group of gods.

"I'm working out a sort of agreement with Christian bunch. Soon the Norses will be best of buds with them." This statement caused Naruto to pause briefly in his actions. He glanced up from his rolls and saw that Odin was looking back at him, the man looking as serious as he had ever looked. The look lasted only for a moment before Naruto returned his focus back to his rolls.

"That's good to he-"

"Though, if you and me want to get a side agreement going..." Odin trailed off, hoping that the blond would pick up on what he was saying.

"No." Without even glancing up, Odin got shut down by the blond. The god attempted a pout but the attempt at tugging at the blond's heartstrings ended miserably. A large part of his failure came from the fact that his current form was one of an elderly, perverted man. They didn't make for the cutest of people.

"You're so mean." Odin pouted. Naruto rolled his eyes at the god's behavior before pointing a finger toward his door.

"Get out if you think I'm so mean."

"You wouldn't kick little old me out, would you?" Without any warning, two clones appeared on either side of the stool that Odin was sat on. Before the god could even make a peep, the clones reached over and grabbed a hold of his arms. The man seemed to be powerless as the identical duo lifted him from his chair and began to drag him toward the door.

"Hey! What are you doing? Let go of me!" Odin yelled while attempting to wrench his arms out of the clones' grip. The god was surprised to find that no matter how much of his strength he attempted to exert the clones would not relent. He truly was powerless as the clones kicked the doors open, lifted him up into the air before pushing him out toward the street. He landed ass first on the concrete and watched as the doors to Naruto's shop closed behind him. He shot back up to his feet and ran back up to the door, intent on gaining entry once more. Instead of the door slamming open like he had expected, the god found himself back on his ass once he rebounded off the still closed doors. It was like he had run into a steel wall.

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