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Mrs. Park looks over, and immediately smirks.
She slowly approaches the doors with a drink in her hand.

After looking around Jungkook sees her approaching, and he immediately glares.
Just by the sight of her.

Mrs. Park takes a sip of her drink as she stands next to Jungkook; Without a care in the world.

Jungkook clenches his jaw, "So you really don't care, do you?"

Mrs. Park smirks, "About?"

"Your own child's happiness."

Mrs. Park rolls her eyes now, continuing to face the party while Jungkook faces his whole body towards her. "Jeon, don't speak stupid. Of course I care. I want what's best for my son. And it is not you. You, you need to stay away from him. You'll only distract him from being successful."

Jungkook chuckles, although he feels he could punch a wall any moment, "Jimin and I will be together, because it's what he wants. You can't stop us."

Mrs. Park slowly looks over to Jungkook, now smiling softly, sarcastically even.

Jungkook shakes his head, "What's so amusing to you?"

"I'm afraid your special time with Jimin, just won't continue. You can try to speak to him, if you want, but he won't listen to you...not anymore, at least."

Jungkook tongues the inside of his cheek, nodding.
"You see, that's where you're wrong. And it's exactly why I came here tonight. For Jimin."

Jungkook now walks away, and right over to the very middle of the ballroom.

Where he sees, Jimin.

His heart races as he tries not to let his eyes water.

The last time he saw Jimin, Jimin was a crying mess.

And all because of his own mom.

Seeing Jimin in the middle of a conversation with a group of people, smiling slightly, Jungkook can so clearly tell Jimin is upset.
"Jimin," He says, gently.

Jimin immediately turns around at the sound of the voice. Seeing Jungkook, it takes his breath away.
He suddenly fights the urge to jump into jungkook's arms.

"Come on, Jiminsii, we're leaving, just like we planned..."

Jimin freezes in place. Staring at Jungkook's soft expression as he holds his hand out, expecting Jimin to take it but...

Jimin can't.

Jimin swallows hard as he notices few others eyes on Jungkook, since they all heard correctly.
"J-Jungkook...what are you..doing-"

Jungkook frowns, stepping closer, "I'm doing what we planned on doing, Jimin, we're leaving...remember? Far away? Never looking back? Even though it's scary, everything is scary, we'll be brave together..? Be brave for me?"

Jimin stares helplessly up into Jungkook's eyes. Continuing to fight the urge to caress the older's face. Jimin's chest is stinging and so are his eyes with tears. "I...I can't," He whispers.

Jungkook narrows his eyebrows in confusion, and slight anger.
He hates when Jimin says, 'I can't.'
"Baby, please," He says as he grabs Jimin's hands, holding them gently. "You're not happy here...you don't want this engagement, you don't want this life, you want nothing to do with this so come with me! I'll take you away, just like we planned...Jiminsii, I'll...I'll set you free, my love, remember?"

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