Chapter One

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One Month Before...

Jungkook sighs as he sets the box down in the middle of the bedroom, smiling softly.
"Alright, this is the last box. Come on, Momma. Get comfortable. Wow, it's so nice."

Jung Hwa smiles with a silent gasp at how beautiful Jungkook decorated her room. "'s..." She now frowns. "Beautiful..."

Jungkook chuckles, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his right arm, "Then why do you look like you're about to cry, woman?"

His mother sighs as she sit on the soft bed. "I'm still so sorry that you...had to come back to Korea simply to take care of me....I know how much you loved France. The new life you had there. You were starting your career as a chef-"

"Stop feeling're my mother." He sits next to her, "You've taken care of me my entire's my turn, now..."

She gives him a weak smile, while he gives her a reassuring wide one.

She got in a horrible car accident recently. Causing problems with her walking. She can walk, but she can't stand for long. Some days are definitely better that others, but she had so many random little injuries, her body has become unpredictable.

So Jungkook rushed to Korea, and decided to let her recover a little more here, especially since she's never wanted to leave.

She can no longer work. Or at least, Jungkook says so, and the doctors don't recommend it. Especially with her older age.

She worked as a maid for a rich family; Jungkook definitely wasn't going to let her continue walking around all day, cleaning.

"I love you, woman," He says before pecking her forhead. He now stands and opens up her closet, "Make sure you don't tire yourself. The doctors said anything can-"

"Happen any moment, I know, I know."
Jungkook chuckles as he neatly organizes her shoes.
"Oh, son, I wish you wouldn't do that-"

"You lay back, and let me do as I please."

She rolls her eyes, giggling quietly. "Hm. I'll miss you when you're out working. Speaking of which, has she reached out?"

Jungkook sighs, continuing to move the shoes around, "No, not must really like this family to have worked there for so long."

"'s more so of, the pay was great...I got by perfectly...not because she is exactly...the sweetest, woman....But I recommended you work there because if you're the family chef, you'd simply still in the kitchen. Talking to that woman gets very, tiring easily. But, hey, she has a son. And he is the sweetest little angel. You're going to love the adorable boy."

Jungkook chuckles to himself. "I'll take your word for it. And I hope she calls back. I need all the money so I can provide you a calm, un-stressful life." He now stands, dusting himself off. "Now, would you like me to start dinner?"

"If you don't mind," She says, resting her hand over her heart.

Jungkook laughs, nodding, "Of course I don't mind. I'll make your favorite soup."

"You're such a sweetie pie!" She says as he leaves the room.

"I know!"

"Oh wait, you forgot to teach me French!"

Jungkook's laughs, and yells back, "We have so much time for that woman!"

Jimin moves hair behind his ear, and powders his nose once more.

While staring at himself he tries to show a smile, to practice maybe.

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