Chapter Six

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"Oh yess, my dear aunt, that's beautiful," Jin, Jimin's older cousin says with a slight gasp to Mrs. Park. "So we're thinking, a beautiful outfit for the engagement party, and then the wedding is a different story." Jin faces Mrs. Park, "Think we should find outfits for both the party and wedding today?"

Mrs. Park applies more dark red lipstick in her mini mirror, "Oh, no dear. The wedding outfit will come later, closer to the wedding I feel. It's much better that way. Let's focus on the engagement party." He then closes the mirror and hands it to her assistant lazily, "I'll be off now, I have multiple meetings. Jimin, it'll just be you and Jin here for the next few hours, behave."

Jimin nods shortly as he watches his mother say goodbye to Jin, then leave with a few others.

He sighs as he turns around and faces himself in the mirror.

"So," Jin says, closing the door. "How is my favorite baby cousin doing? How is schooling and your lessons?" He walks over and places different colors of white cloth's next to Jimin's sleeves, trying to find which one he likes for this outfit best.

Jimin sighs quietly. "It's going well. I've aced each lesson so far..." His mind then trails to Jungkook, and immediately, his face heats up.
'Why do I suddenly feel nauseous..?'

"Awe that's amazing," Jin says, kindly. He then observes Jimin's not-so-happy expression in the mirror, and slowly lowers the cloth, frowning. "Are you okay, Jimin...? Genuinely."

Jimin looks into Jin's eyes through the mirror.
'Am I okay...?
With Jungkook I'm great...
But I can't say that...'
"I am is the married life..?"

Jin now smiles, placing the cloth on a table next to them. "Namjoon is much better than I imagined...he's absolutely amazing...And you know what's, crazy...? Even though we're married, I thought, that's all us settling down...that, everyday will become a routine, and maybe, everything will simply be...normal...but, no.. I still get crazy butterflies when Im near him. We still feel as if we have to impress each other like we're crushing hard, like we're not already married and settled down...when you're madly in love, there's no simple settling create more and new memories day by day...and the love doesn't fade."

Jimin smiles softly.

He's never fallen in love before...

But it sounds like a beautiful thing.

And so suspiciously...

All he can think about in this moment.

Is Jungkook...


Jin sees Jimin is still quiet, and the smaller seems to be deep in thought today. "You know what? How about you take the rest of this time to yourself before you have lunch. I'll head home and tell your mom I'm simply writing down more ideas for your outfits. Yeah..?"

Jimin smiles softly as he nods, "Okay...t-thank you, Jin..."

Jin smiles warmly as Jimin turns around and watches him pack his things. "Of course. Call me if you need..?"

Jimin nods, "Indeed. Thank you...will you visit again soon..?"

"Of course I will. Ooh! How about a movie night soon? I'll let you guys know?

"That's great, Jin! See you soon!"

Jin smiles sweetly as he grabs his bag and walks out.

Jimin sighs quietly to himself as he continues to stand in a room filled with silence for a few seconds.

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