Chapter Seven

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Mrs. Parks feels Jimin's forehead with the back of her hand as he sits in bed. She sighs.
"You feel awfully warm. Now I definitely don't need you walking everywhere if there's any chance you could throw up again." Jimin nods. "Would you like breakfast brought to you-"

"No, ma'am! I..." Jimin quietly sighs, mentally scolding himself. He fears Jungkook would be the one to bring it to him...and he doesn't want to see Jungkook right now. And it's not at all because of something wrong Jungkook did...Jimin is simply just too nervous to see him. 'After that shameless dream....After, could I show him my face..?' "I'm not hungry, mother..."

Mrs. Park nods, "I see. Well, try to rest. You need to eat at least at one point, today. You didn't have dinner last night, so let's hope you're better by dinner today. Okay..?" He nods, again. "Very well. Yoongi? You stay here and care after him. Everyone else, let's go."

Yoongi bows as he holds the bedroom door open for everyone. "Sir, Jimin, do ring if you need anything. I'll be here."

"T-Thank you, Mr. Yoongi..."

Yoongi gives him a bow before shutting his door.

Jimin now rests his head against his bed frame.

Fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Jungkook truly came into my life and changed things....why am I f-feeling this way...?"

It's truly so overwhelming.

Too, overwhelming.

And as badly as he'd like to see Jungkook's face, for he's currently yearning for that calm, beautiful feeling of comfort...

He simply doesn't think it's a good idea.

So, no breakfast today..

"No lunch, either..?" Jungkook asks, frowning.

Yoongi nods, shortly, "Correct. Sir Jimin simply isn't feeling well. So you're good to go, 'till dinner time."

Jungkook sighs, feeling his chest tighten.
'He's sick, right...?
Not, avoiding me...?
What if I weirded him out?
I mean what the hell are the odds that he puked after I said such things to him?
Shamelessly calling him beautiful? Delicate?!
What if he hated it? Or found it...weird..?
And he's engaged, too! I'm such an idio-
Can't forget that engagement ain't real?
Forget that Jinyoun-"

"Mr. Jungkook? Are you okay?"

Jungkook blinks now, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry, yes, yes I am. I'm sorry, I will...head home. Thank you."

Yoongi bows before leaving the kitchen.

Leaving Jungkook standing there, quietly frowning to himself.

He slowly removes his apron as he lets out a tired sigh.

Jungkook answers the call as he closes his front door. "Hey, Taehyung. Good mornin."

"It's so early, I could die. Anyways. How's it goin?"

"It's...." He trails back to Jimin somehow, and his chest stings. "It's alright? What's up?"

"Well one, I know you're lyin with that tone, but we'll get to that in a minute. I've gotta tell you great news before I could forget to."

Jungkook sighs as he peaks his head into his mothers room, seeing she's sleeping. He then leaves and makes his way over to the kitchen. "Oh? Tell me. I could use some good news."

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