Chapter Eleven

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Jimin walks over to the kitchen doors with a frown.

Gently opening them, nervously.

Once he walks in he sees Jungkook cooking at the stove.

He closes the doors and walks in.

"Jungkook," He says.

Jungkook doesn't respond.

He stares down at the food, expressionless, silently.

Jimin already feels his eyes water as he walks over..

And stops once he's standing behind Jungkook.

He stares at the taller's back, hopelessly, before back hugging him.

Resting his frowning face on Jungkook's back, and wrapping his short arms around his waist.

Jungkook frowns now, slowly setting the spatula down as he turns around, hugging Jimin back.

"I'm sorry," Jimin whispers.

Jungkook shakes his head as he backs away, "You don't have to be sorry-"

"But I do. There is n-no reason why you should've seen....that....I'm sorry, Jungkook.....I...." He sighs. "I o-only want know that..."

Jungkook nods, feeling his heart flutter as he brings Jimin's hands up and kisses them. "And I only want, you. It's badly I want you near me all the shocks, me, even."

Jimin blushes. "I understand."

They stare into each others eyes.

"Let's start a new life, Jimin...Hm?"

Jimin sighs, his eyes watering, "Gosh, It's too early to cry..." He giggles a little, making Jungkook smile. "I...I have to tell engagement party, it's...My Mother told me last night after dinner, that it's in three days. So, I'm positive the wedding will be....soon..." Jungkook frowns now, slowly letting go of Jimin's hands. "Which is why..." His voice cracks. "We have to get out of here soon, don't we..?"

Jungkook's eyebrows rise. "R-Really...? You really do want to get out of here, with me..?"

Jimin nods, now smiling, "I told you, I wouldn't tell you no...didn't I?"

Jungkook chuckles now, pulling Jimin into a hug.
"And I told you....I'll set you free, didn't I?"

This makes Jimin slowly smile and grip Jungkook tighter.

Jimin giggles to himself as he checks the hallways before quickly running into the kitchen.

"Jimin, woah-" He laughs as Jimin hugs him tightly. "You seem, excited?"

"I am," Jimin smiles as he looks up at the taller, still hugging him. "I don't have much time to stay the whole time you make lunch today, BUT, I just....missed you so much...I-I was thinking about you during my schooling, and..." He shakes his head, gently smiling as he stands on his tippy toes and kisses Jungkook's cheek. "I-I'm happy to see you.."

Jungkook smiles as he cups Jimin's face, gently pressing their lips together in a soft kiss, making Jimin's face feel hot now. "I missed you too,, come with me as I show you what you'll be having for lunch."

"Ohh," Jimin giggles as he follows Jungkook.
He takes a look at the counter and claps excitedly. "Everything looks amazing so far!"

"Thank you, thank you," Jungkook bows.
He then stares down at Jimin with a smile.
Slowly bringing his hand up to caress the smaller's face. "I have, great news, I'd love to tell you..." He whispers.

Jimin hums. "Tell me.."

"There is this restaurant I recently worked at before coming back to Korea...and, the head chef of it called me, recently..."

"Oh? Do they miss you?"

Jungkook chuckles. "He definitely does, though he struggled with admitting it...uhm, anyway, he....he's retiring soon, and uh...he says that he had the perfect person in mind to take over. Someone he felt is a great leader, and is an extremely talented chef. This guy also happens to be very handsome."

Jimin gasps excitedly, "No way, Jungkook!"

"Yes way! It's me! My head chef wants me to-"

Jimin cuts him off with a kiss, both of them smiling into it before resting their foreheads together.

"I'm so happy for you," Jimin whispers, sweetly.

Jungkook smiles, pecking Jimin's lips again before saying, "Thank you..."

And they stay like this. Foreheads pressed together.

"So...when does chef retire..?"

"Soon," Jungkook says. "Extremely soon....I'll have to go back."

Jimin smiles. "You're bringing me with you, y-yes?"

Jungkook smiles now as he nods, "Would you like to come to my restaurant?"

"I'd love to come with you to your restaurant- oh!"

Jungkook picks Jimin up and spins him around, making them both laugh.
"Me and my being with ME....could it get any better than this?"

Jimin smiles softly as he presses their foreheads together again. "I hope you get everything you ask for in life," He whispers.

"I already have," Jungkook whispers back. "You're so beautiful, Jimin...I miss you all day. I miss your beautiful lips, your in general."I want you with me all the time..."

Jimin's heart flutters, "I want that, too, Jungkook."

They kiss, softly.

Jungkook lifting Jimin's arms around his neck, while he tightly grips Jimin's waist.

Suddenly they hear a small noise so they back away from each other, but there's nothing there.

Jungkook sighs, "See how paranoid we are? This shows we oughta get out of here."

Jimin shyly giggles as he pokes Jungkook's cheek before walking away. "I'll see you for lunch? In the dining room. I'd like for us to sit at the table and have it t-together.."

Jungkook nods. "I'd love that. See you, my heart."

Jimin giggles louder in such shyness as he walks faster out of the kitchen.

Jimin quietly hums to himself as he walks into the dining room for lunch.

However, his smile quickly falls. "Oh,'re here."

Jinyoung slowly stands up from a chair, fixing his suit as he approaches Jimin, "Hi, darling. Yes, I am here. I said last night I'd make more time coming, around, didn't I?" He lifts Jimin's hand and kisses the back of it.

Jimin looks around awkwardly now, "I-I see..." He mumbles. "A-Are you having lunch here with me..?"

Suddenly, Jungkook walks in with a smile and a tray of food in his hand, but his smile and steps stop as he see's Jinyoung standing there next to Jimin.

Jinyoung now inter whines his fingers with Jimin's, "Hello, chef. You can just set our food down on the table."

Jungkook tongues the inside of his cheek as he looks at their inter whined fingers. He then walks away, over to the table.

Jimin guiltily looks down at the floor as Jungkook sets the table with plates, that we're meant for them.

Not, Jinyoung and Jimin.

Jungkook approaches the two slowly, "Enjoy," He says without a bow, he simply just walks out.

Jimin frowns at that, while Jinyoung smirks. 

'When will this nightmare just end?"

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