Chapter Nine

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Jimin smiles as he sees dusts his outfit off, seeing his mothers limo drive off.

He wastes no time rushing out of his bedroom, and right over to the kitchen.

"Jungkook..?" He calls.

Jungkook steps out of the kitchen with a basket in his right hand, and a smile on his face. "Jiminsii."

Jimin blushes, "Ready for the picnic?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

Jimin giggles as Jungkook inter whines their fingers.

The two step out into the back yard, smiling both because of the beautiful garden, and the fact that they're doing this, together.

That they're, together in general.

They sit on the white blanket and stare into each others eyes.

"I...." Jimin speaks.

Jungkook chuckles, "You, what?"

Jimin sighs. "I've never felt...happier..."

Jungkook grins. "I've never felt happier, too."

Jimin shyly looks away, and at the flowers as Jungkook opens the basket. "You,'re the first person whose ever made me feel....happy.
G-Genuinely happy...and...and you remind me just how, free I....aspire to be.."

Jungkook plops a grape into his mouth before holding one up to Jimin's mouth. "Tell me more."

Jimin, with a red face and shy smile, bites the grape. Jungkook plops the remaining of the grape in his mouth, making Jimin's pink face even pinker.
"Well...?" He sighs, crossing his legs. "I guess....all my life, I've felt...Well I feel trapped, sometimes...Like I'm in, a constant loop, that won't end. I have no say in what I do...I just want...I want...To feel, free...." He smiles, "I want to live, freely."

Jungkook stares at Jimin's face in silence. Slowly scooting closer. "You deserve to feel free, Jimin Park....I'll set you free."

Jimin looks over at Jungkook now, "Hm...?"

"I'll set you free." Jungkook smiles as he lays on his back, "Come on, join me."

Jimin slowly lays on his back, too, staring up at the sky.

Jungkook smiles as he watches the clouds. "Picture it. I'm in a nice, luxurious restaurant, huh? I'm head chef actually?"

Jimin giggles, "Of course..."

"I own my restaurant, and....what about you..?"

Jimin thinks for a second, before slowly smiling. "A book store," He whispers. "I...I'd love to own my own, quiet little book store..."

Jungkook smiles at that. "That's so amazing....okay, so, I'm head chef at my restaurant, you're big, little boss at your lovely book store that everyone will love." Jimin giggles as he nudges Jungkook slightly.
"Us two...away from everyone...following our dreams....we're happy...and we're free..."

Jimin's heart races as he slowly looks over to Jungkook. "That sounds...perfect..."

Jungkook looks over, too. Into Jimin's eyes.
"You're perfect."

They smile, staring at each other silently.

Under the clouds on a blissful, warm day.

"You know....this may sound, crazy, but....I feel as though we were meant to meet, you and I."

Jimin bites his bottom lip gently, "Yeah?"

Jungkook smiles, caressing Jimin's chin. "Yeah...
I feel like you and I were just, meant to cross paths...Like, Jimin, you truly came into my life and in such short time, you've changed so much...I think...this was meant to happen. You and I..."

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