Chapter Three

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Jungkook flips the pancake on the pan, carefully, smiling to himself. "For once I didn't ruin a damn pancake," He whispers.

His phone dings, and he sees it's a text from Taehyung.

"I can't believe her son doesn't seem as cold and evil as she does. So, what? Y'all are friends? Awe makin friends on the job!"

Jungkook shakes his head as he looks away from his phone and continues making pancakes.

'Jimin really does seem sweet...
And as weird as this sounds, I can't really stop thinking about him.
Behind those scared eyes I feel he actually has so much to say.
So will he, say it?'

Suddenly he hears the sound of a bucket fall, and he instantly turns around. Facing the kitchen doors.

"Who is that?" He asks. He then lowers his head and sees a small foot sticking out from the side of the door, and he smiles, "...Jimin Park? Is that you?"
After a quiet three seconds, Jimin's head slowly peaks out from the door, causing Jungkook to laugh.
"It is you. Why are you hiding?"

Jimin's heart beats faster at the sight of Jungkook smiling so warmly at him. He then eyes the chef. Jungkook wearing a white button up, but his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, with the black apron tied around him, too. Jungkook looks good, always. Jimin nervously swallows hard, "I-I was just...well uhm..." He now stands up and away from the door, up straight. "Good morning, Chef Jungkook."

Jungkook's eyebrows rise. "..So, did you come in here to say Good morning?

Jimin hesitantly looks around.

That's a good question...

All morning he's been pacing, anxious, and all for what?

He cannot stop thinking, about Jungkook.

He can't understand why. But he's standing here because his body practically pulled him into this kitchen.

Jimin blinks, "Well, I...." 'I want to talk to you and spend time with you.' "Yeah...Good....Good, morning..."

Jungkook notices Jimin now frowning, and he smiles. "Come here."

Jimin's face heats up, instantly, "What...?"

Jungkook laughs now, "Come here, I want you to see what you're having for breakfast."

Jimin now smiles, softly, "Oh..okay..." He then walks over hurriedly, not showing any sort of smile anymore. He looks down at the plates of cut up fruit and pancakes being made. "You are very talented."

Jungkook smiles, nodding, "Thank you, thank you." He moves to turn the stove off and places the pancakes on plates. "I've always loved cooking. Though when I was a child I was so bad at it, same with middle school. I don't know what it was but I kept messing up with the small things. Then I guess I made it a goal as I got older, to become the best chef I could be you know."

Jimin nods, feeling quite, impressed.

"Are you passionate about anything, Jimin?"

Jimin stops nodding, now looking up, deeply into Jungkook's eyes. "What..?"

Jungkook smiles as he stares down, at the beautiful boy. "I asked what you're passionate about."

Jimin practically stops breathing as he blinks.
"What am I, passionate about...? I...."

Jungkook frowns as Jimin looks down. He can't exactly tell which emotion Jimin is showing, but it isn't a happy one. "You okay? Come on, has no one asked you such a question before?" He chuckles, joking.

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