Chapter Four

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Jimin holds his book to his chest as he looks around the hallways first. Nervously biting his bottom lip as he peaks his head into the kitchen. "Pssst.."

Jungkook glances back while he ties his apron around his waist. Smiling softly once he see's Jimin. "Good morning," He says, calmly.

Jimin nods, "Good morning, chef Jungkook," He now whispers, since his mother could accidentally hear.

Jungkook whispers back, "When you gonna start calling me, just Jungkook?"

Jimin smiles shyly, softly, "I-"

"Jimin!" Mrs. Park calls from a distance, causing Jimin to nervously grip the door.

"I...I'll go..."

Jungkook nods with a small frown before looking down at Jimin's hands, "What you got there?" He whispers.

"Oh. A-A book."

Jungkook crosses his arms as he leans against the counter, "You never told me you like to read?"


"Jimin Park," She calls again, searching.

Jimin sighs, quietly mumbling things under his breath. "I will see you in lunch time...o-okay?"

Jungkook nods, "See you.." Then he watches Jimin hurriedly walk away. He quietly chuckles to himself. "Books...Jimin reads, too..Hm.." He then hums quietly to himself as he starts on breakfast.

Jungkook walks into the dining room with the tray of food, automatically hearing the sound of Mrs. Park's voice.

"Your score for each lessons are very high. That's good, but they did say you left piano lessons earlier yesterday than normal. Why?"

Jimin sighs, and Jungkook notices how sad he seems as he sets the plates down.

"I just wasn't feel well yesterday. That's all," Jimin says.

Jungkook then looks down and watches Jinyoung patting Jimin's thigh gently, causing him to cringe.
'Jimin doesn't want him back. I think Jinyoung should probably just fuck of-'

"I need you to stay on top of these things, along with school. I plan on you taking over my business one day."

Jimin's eyebrows rise. "But, mother-"

"Aish Jimin, whom else will do it? How will our family look if my own son doesn't take over? You're not a child, you're plenty old enough now to build your way up. And I said one day, that day isn't now or soon. But eventually in the future you will do it. You just need to build yourself up there already."

Jungkook frowns as he separates the different plates more, looking at Jimin, who's looking down at his plate with an expressionless face.

Jungkook can tell Jimin doesn't want any of this.

So then, why doesn't he leave...?

Jungkook then finishes. Now bowing gently before exiting.

Jimin sighs quietly to himself as he picks the fork up, and although not anymore in the mood to eat, he must.

Jungkook made this food.

Jimin takes a bite, then softly smiles to himself.
'Jungkook is the best cook.'

Jungkook unlocks his apartment door, "Mom," He calls out. "You in the room?"

"Yeah I'm in here!" She calls back.

He sets his keys down and makes his way over to her bedroom, her door being opened already, "How you feelin, woman?"

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