Chapter Two

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"Yeah, Taehyung, she's definitely sassy and cold but, the first day didn't go too bad. I simply walked in, served the food, then left. No one even looked at me, though. They're so...soo..."


Jungkook chuckles, continuing to make lunch. "Yeah, definitely..."

"There isn't one person there you've spoken to?"

"If you mean anyone fun? Nope. Just Yoongi and Mrs. Park...but It's fine though, I came here to work...but it wouldn't have been bad if the family was fun and social, though."

"Yeah, for sure..but at least you don't hate it?"

"Yeah, exactly what I was thinking...anyway, I have to finish this lunch. I've gotta serve it in about twenty minutes. Call you later....okay, yeah, bye.."

Jungkook presses the hang up button as he goes back to humming quietly.

Jimin gently glides the brush against the canvas.

Focused expression, doing swirls and swirls.

He moves to wet the brushes, then notices the water is far too dirty, so he pours it in the bucket next to him.

He frowns, slowly grabbing it and standing.

"I need some more water. I will go and refill it," He says as he approaches his own art teacher.

"Oh, I can refill it for you, Sir Jimin?"

Jimin sighs, "Please, let me. You do so much already," He says, sweetly. Causing her to smile.

He then walks out of the room.

She chuckles, "How did that boy come from Mrs. Park..."

Jimin quietly makes his way towards the closest place with a sink, the kitchen.

Walking slowly as he looks out the windows.

"It's beautiful out....I wish it rained more..."
'The poor grass.'

He then approaches closer, his face expression slowly changes as he hears someone's voice.

Someone isn't speaking though, it's...


Jimin slows his steps as he approaches the kitchen doors that are open. The singing...
'Who is singing?' It doesn't at all sound like Chef Jen..

Jimin then stands near the door and gently peaks, looking over.

Once he see's a tall male standing at the counter, singing quietly to himself, his eyes widen and he immediately moves away, leaning his back against the door.
'That is not, chef Jen....when did we get a new chef...?'
Jimin slowly leans forward again, peaking a little at the new chef.

This chef...

His wavy hair that's a bit long..

Big doe eyes...he's quite, tall...

And he sings.

"A singing chef...huh?" Jimin whispers.

Jungkook slowly looks up, his singing stopping, "Hello?" He then sees a small head move behind the door.

Jimin pinches his eyes shut, tightly.
'Oh gosh! He heard me!'

"Hello...?" Jungkook chuckles, "I saw you...who's there?"

Jimin nervously bites his bottom lip as he slowly moves his head back over, peaking at Jungkook. But showing a bit more of his face. 

Jungkook smiles, "I can barely see you. Would you like to come out some more?"

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