Chapter Eight

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"You are so beautiful, delicate...." Jungkook whispers.

Jimin's eyes widen, lips parting.

Jungkook slowly leans in closer as he holds Jimin's chin with his thumb. "Too beautiful not to kiss...."

Jimin closes his eyes gently.

Waiting for Jungkook's lips to press against his.


And waiting..

Suddenly, Jimin's eyes open.

"Jungkook?" He whispers.

He slowly sits up and looks around his bedroom. Seeing it's morning time already.

'I dreamt about kissing him again....'

He brings his knees up to his chest and hides his face in them. Eyes watering.

"Usually Jimin is awake by the time I am, so I just assumed not to wake him. But, please, if you are able to come over later Jin, make sure that if he's feeling better he gets to work. He's already missed lessons and school. It's unfortunate," Mrs. Park says, walking down the stairs. "Perfect, thank you hon." She then looks over to Yoongi with a sigh, "Let's go. Oh, can you give Namjoon a call? I'd like to chat with him about the engagement party. I'm moving it closer. Jinyoung just can't wait to marry Jimin, it's adorable."

Yoongi nods, holding the front door open for his boss. "Absolutely."

Jungkook stares down at the ground with his arms crossed.


He told himself last night to sleep on how he feels...

That maybe he's thinking about this, about Jimin too much.

To see if not feeling so intensely for Jimin was possible.

But it just isn't.

"This is ridiculous," He whispers, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why can't he just...come see me...? Even if he IS sick, why would I care? I don't. I don't care."

Jimin paces his bedroom while nervously fiddling with his own fingers.

'I have to see him....I WANT to...

But I can't, right?

Not with these shameless dreams...

Dreaming about....kissing him....

As if he'd ever want to kiss me back...

He wouldn't...right?

He's, amazing...and I'm just me.

But I keep thinking about him.

Picturing him...

He truly came into my life and shook things up...

How can I ever go back to normal?'

"I have to...." He whispers. He then let's out a long, shaky sigh. "I...I cannot keep ignoring him....after all....he....he did nothing wrong...." He sighs, checking the time on his phone, seeing its twelve pm. "Okay," He whispers as he opens his bedroom door.

He slightly smiles once he sees no one but Jungkook is home.

Jungkook slowly runs his right hand through his hair as he closes his eyes.

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