Chapter Sixteen

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Jungkook stops walking.

Staring at his car, he realizes who just called out his name.

His heart starts racing but his face shows no expression.

'That can't be anyone else, but....'

Jungkook turns around, slowly.

And now he's face to face with, "Jimin, Park.."

Jimin's face flushes red as his eyebrows widened.

'Jungkook looks, different.

The same, but different.

His hair isn't wavy anymore, it's cut shorter  

He got even more muscular. I can see that clearly...

His face....

It looks soft, yet his expression isn't the same soft one I know and am familiar with.

He looks, expressionless.


Like maybe he isn't panicking as much as I am...

Oh, heart beat....

Don't just stand here like an idiot. Jimin, say something!"

Jimin blinks, "I...." His eyes and Jungkook's not leaving each other's at all. "Jungkook."

Jungkook shows the tiniest side smile, "Hey, how have you been?"


Jungkook nods, "That's good..."

Jimin rubs the back of his neck nervously, "Your dream came true, Jungkook...your restaurant, it's...absolutely beautiful."

Jungkook sighs, contently, "Thats right. It's incredible, isn't it?"

Jimin smiles softly as the two make eye contact.

Jungkook feels his heart race though he can't focus on anything else but Jimin.


Jimin who left him there to leave.

"Look," Jungkook says, "I don't know why you're here, why you decided to show up after all this time, and I don't know what you want...? But I just want to tell you," He takes one step closer, "I have no intentions on continuing this conversation....."
He sighs. "Take care, Jimin Par-"

"Wait, wait! Jungkook!" Jimin cuts him off, making Jungkook stop, now staring at the taller's back. Jimin breathes heavily, there's no doubt his heart is aching at this entire situation right now. "I....I'm sorry, Jungkook...I was weak, so weak back then...I was...blind, stupid....." He frowns, "B-But now I am here! I'm here, genuinely, with you! And I'm here to stay. O-Or if you go? I'll follow you. I'm with you no matter what....I...I couldn't care less about my life in Korea, if you, my heart is here in France." Jimin's eyes glisten. Looking up at the back of Jungkook's head helplessly. "Remember when I said I'll follow you...and you said you'll lead..?" He whispers.

Jungkook's heart races. Yet he slowly turns around, calmly, looking into the eyes of a helpless Jimin.
"Are you telling me you're going to try to win me back, Jimin Park?"

Jimin sighs, heavily as he stands up straight. Now approaching Jungkook with confidence. "Yes. Yes, I am."

Jungkook slowly smirks as he observes the small, now blondes, confidence. "Hm...watching you attempt will be entertaining.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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