Chapter Thirteen

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Jungkook paces the sidewalk with his phone against his ear.
"Pick up pick up, pick up."


"Taehyung! Yes!"

"Hey, man? It's so-"

"I know, it's definitely a horrible time to call you, Taehyung...but I've been going crazy the past two days....I need....I need someone to talk to about this. Okay...I didn't tell you yet, but I guess I am NOW!
So basically..." He breathes heavily. "I'm in love with Jimin Park.."

"..........what...? Like...for real..?"

"Yes, Taehyung...And I really need your help."

"Tell me everything."

"Oh my God?!"

"I know, I know, and I-"

"You know?! So then what are you doing?"

"What do you mean...?"

"Jeon Jungkook, I mean, why are you moping? So she found out about you two, two nights ago. All you've done was panic? This is so unlike you?"

"So, what do I do?"

"*sighs* What you do is, go inside, get yourself cleaned up, put on a nice tuxedo, then go to Jimin's engagement party."

"Taehyung, Mrs. Park would probably cut my head off-"

"No. Go in there, say what you need to say. You get Jimin, tell him you love him, then take him with you. Take him out of that God awful place. Then you bring your sexy ass with Jimin, and Momma, back here to France so you can peruse your dreams!"


"No, nothing! Just say yes! Jungkook, say you will do this."

Jungkook breathes heavily as he slowly smiles....
"Yeah..I...I'm gonna do this....I'm going to get Jimin out of there and bring him with me...I'm definitely, doing this."

"Atta boy! No go. You're going to be late."

"Thank you, Taehyung...seriously...."

"Don't mention it until you give me happy news....good luck, bud."

Jungkook hangs up with an excited smile as he runs inside.

'Taehyung is right...

I need to go for what I want...


"Mom!" He yells once inside.


"I need my fancy event tuxedo!"

Jungkook exhales nervously as he approaches the tall doors.

'It's only been a day...a day you haven't see him.
Everything will be just fine.
He loves you.
So I'm going to come in here...
And take him with me...'

He slowly opens the doors, nervously fixing his tuxedo as he looks around.

Mrs. Park looks over, and immediately smirks.
She slowly approaches the doors with a drink in her hand.

After looking around Jungkook sees her approaching, and he immediately glares.
Just by the sight of her.

Mrs. Park takes a sip of her drink as she stands next to Jungkook; Without a care in the world.

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