Chapter Fourteen

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"So, here's my work there, you build yourself up. Create this image for yourself. Sort of like me, eh?"

"What are you saying?" Jimin asks.

Mrs. Park now stands, smiling as she fixes her suit.
"When you become the big talk. In magazines, well known for your work...when I think it's more realistic that you take over.....I'll let you know where Jungkook is." Jimin's face softens at that last part, and she notices that. "All you have to do, is become a part of the team. My world. Make an effort in the business world, then I finally give you what you want....Do we have a deal?"

Two Years Later.

Jimin grabs his suitcase as he stands.

Slowly fixing his white jacket as he gently moves strands of beautiful combed hair out of his face.

Once he steps out of his office others immediately smile at him, offering him all kinds of things.

"Thirsty, Jimin?" "Jimin you look beautiful, by the way!"

Jimin smiles sweetly at everyone as he bows in thanks. "Thank you, I'm're too kind."

Jimin is no huge, big shot celebrity...

But people adore him so much, they practically treat him like one.

And also, maybe because he's the son of Mrs. Park who'll take over some day, but is nothing like her.

They can compliment him, converse with him and he won't shove them away.

Let's just say Jimin Park is nothing like his mother.

Which is one of many reasons why he's so adored.

Jimin walks out of the building with a smile as he puts his sunglasses on.
"Hello, Yoongi."

Yoongi bows, "Soon to be boss, Jimin," He says, holding the limo door open. Jimin giggles as sets his bag inside of the vehicle.
"Where would you like to go from work?"

Jimin sighs as he checks the day on his phone.
This was a special day. He nervously clears his throat. "Take me to my moms mansion, please."

Jimin opens his own door and closes it, causing Yoongi to sigh quietly.

He then approaches the doors slowly, waiting for them to be opened from inside.

Yoongi observes Jimin looking down at the ground, silently. Usually he's asking Yoongi about his day by now. "Are you okay, Sir Jimin?"

Jimin frowns a little. "I will be. What about you? Are you okay, Yoongi?"

Suddenly the doors open.

"I..." Yoongi blinks. "You better get to Mrs. Park..."

Jimin smiles, softly. "You're important. Don't ever forget that." He then walks inside, leaving Min Yoongi taken aback at the front doors.
Jimin looks around the mansion, sighing heavily as his chest starts to feel a bit heavy.
'I didn't miss this place.'

The second Jimin was making much more money, he immediately took the opportunity to move out.

He also started growing much more independent, quiet, dedicated.

I guess hard work truly does pay off.

"Where is she?" He asks as he hears Yoongi approaching.

"She's upstairs in her office. She's been there all day."

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