Chapter Five

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Jimin bows gently in thanks to his singing coach before the woman walks way and out.

Then he stands straight as he follows his mother out of the room.

"Well done, you know it's nice having a child with talent."


"Now don't forget I set your schedule on your dresser. Your engagement party will be coming up sooner than we think, so I need you and Jinyoung ready. Oh speaking of Jinyoung, he isn't staying the night the next few weeks due to work and school, but he'll be over for dinner tonight. Make sure to look nice?"

Jimin frowns as he looks down at his feet walking, still following behind her as she fixes her suit.

She then finally reaches the front door, Yoongi holding it open for her. "Jimin make sure to stay focused. Cousin Jin is coming home tomorrow to help with your fittings. He's always had an eye for fashion. Now, I'll be going, work hard."

She then walks out, Yoongi and her assistant following behind her.

Jimin stares at the tall doors, now slowly smiling to himself. "I'll work very hard," He whispers before rushing over to the kitchen.

Once he gets to the doors, and slowly walks in, no peaking his head in this time. "Jungkook...? Are you ready..?"

Jungkook faces Jimin with a bag in his hands, smiling, "Ready."

The two stare at each other silently for a few seconds before finally walking out.

"So no mother, no Jinyoung, no Yoongi, no assistants," Jungkook says, following Jimin, "We're in the clear."

Jimin nods, "Yes, very much. you'd only be making lunch for me today, so, let's do this instead. And I'm very glad, because the backyard garden is my favorite part of the house, so..."

"I'm honored you wanted to show me your favorite part, Jimin Park."

Jimin blushes as he opens the doors, "Well, o-of course....take a look.."

Jungkook raises his eyebrows at the adoring sight in front of him.

Gasping quietly as he steps outside, looking everywhere. The bushes, the flowers, the trees. "This is beautiful."

Jimin nods, scolding himself mentally for staring at Jungkook rather than the garden. "Y-Yeah, I love it out here... Let's sit here," He says sweetly.

"Ahh ahh, not at the table, let's do this," Jungkook says. He drops the bag and pulls out a white blanket, spreading it out then setting it down gently. "Like a little picnic. I even brought lunch already made."

Jimin stares in awe at Jungkook sitting on the blanket, taking out the books and lunch he packed. He smiles up at Jimin and pats the space next to him, "Come on. Join me."

Jimin can practically feel his heart beating in his ears.

'Really...what is, this feeling?'

He slowly takes a seat, grabbing the book Jungkook holds up for him. "Thank you," He whispers.

"Oh, it's nothi-"

"No, really," Jimin says, very serious, staring deeply into Jungkook's eyes. "You're...the kindest person I've ever met...I...No one's ever been so...c-considerate to me before...not like this...."

Jungkook smiles, slowly, boldly caressing Jimin's cheek, "Well they should more often....If they won't, I will." He caresses delicately, making Jimin's heart race suspiciously fast again. Jungkook also can't shake this feeling. This strong feeling of comfort. Simply feeling serene when with Jimin. And he knows...his races a little faster than it should be, too..
He clears his throat as he now looks down at the books. "So, you love nature. I assume the garden is your favorite part?"

Jimin nods sweetly, looking away from Jungkook and at the flowers.

"You know, now that I think about it, the front of the mansion isn't as vibrantly green as the backyard is. It's like the backyard is focused on, but the front not so much."

Jimin nods with a sad sigh, "Yeah, my mother doesn't care much about the garden. She says if it's all green, then that's perfect enough. That she'll put more focus later on..I dunno..."

"You wish there was bright green grass and flowers everywhere?"

Jimin nods.

Jungkook smiles, now. ", shall we start reading..?"


"But first," Jungkook suddenly grabs a grape and throws it up, catching it in his mouth.

"You can even do it sitting down?!"

"Yes, now try it."

Jimin sits up straight as he gently tosses up a grape, but again, it just bounces off his nose before it hits the ground.

Jungkook laughs as he pats a pouting Jimin's head.
"Awee it's okay, you'll get it. Now now, let's read...I'll start if you'd like...just pick the book.."

Jimin scans the books, then a specific one catches his eyes. He shyly points to it. "This one looks...calm and pretty..."

Jungkook nods as he gladly picks it up and starts.
"Chapter one...My Love For You.."

Jimin smiles softly to himself as he notices the breeze gently hitting his face.

Then the flowers.

How calm and beautiful this moment feels...

He then looks over and sees Jungkook's serene expression while reading out loud.
His face and voice, gentle while reading.

Jimin takes this moment to close his eyes.

He's never imagined he'd feel so serene next to someone.

In his favorite little environment..

Jungkook slowly looks over to look at Jimin, who is so still. And he trails off a little.

Jimin's ethereal features in the wind and gentle light.

He looks back down to keep reading, then right back up.

He doesn't want Jimin to open his eyes...not yet.

Not to reality.

Jungkook can't help but feel...absolutely mesmerized.
'I want to distract him from the real world...
I want, to keep Jimin safe...
Is that weird...?
Is it weird to have met this delicate person and want to keep him warm?
Protected when he feels scared or nervous.
I simply believe he's too good for this world...
Especially this one he's living in.
Maybe I'm just overly affectionate when I feel any sort of affection for someone....
But I feel he truly deserves it.'

Later, Jungkook walks into the dining room, serving Mrs. Park, Jinyoung, and Jimin dinner.

Setting down the plates, he glances at Jimin.

Jimin, who isn't paying attention to anyone else but Jungkook, glances back.

The two slightly smile at each other before looking away with expressionless faces.

"Please enjoy," Jungkook says, bowing before exiting.

Mrs. Park pleases a napkin on her lap as she starts talking to the two about upcoming events.

Jinyoung, however, turns around. Looking at Jungkook with a bit of a confused expression. Then facing Jimin again.
'Did those, at each other...?'

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