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Chapter 10 Flirty Brother vs. Bingshan Brother 10

Sangzhi was a little uneasy,

"Brother Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Du Weifeng didn't answer. He drove the car to their den, pulled him into the room, and then pressed him with his backhand. On the door.

"You teamed up with Yan Han to trick me?"

Sang Zhi was trapped in the square, a little panicked,

"What happened? How could I trick you? Is it because the auction didn't go well?"

"The price you gave me was higher than Yan Han's. Han's actual bid was 10% higher."

Sang Zhi's eyes widened, "How is that possible? I read the document carefully several times!"

Du Weifeng finally couldn't restrain his temper, and he yelled:

"Do you know , If I really rely on my strength, I may not lose to him!"

"Now because of your information, I not only lost this land, I also lost 10% of the shares!"

Sang Zhi burst into tears, Du Weifeng had never treated him very well. She was gentle and considerate, but it was the first time she was so cruel to him.

Sang Zhi was so wronged,

"What on earth are you talking about? I don't know how this happened. Anyway, I have a clear conscience, believe it or not!"

Sang Zhi pushed him away and sat on the sofa crying.

Du Weifeng calmed down, thought about the whole thing, and felt that Sang Zhi had no reason to deceive him.

He sat slumped on the sofa, as if all the strength in his body had been drained away.

Sang Zhi cried for a long time, but when he saw that Du Weifeng didn't come to comfort him, he just sat there depressed.

Sang Zhi came to him and hugged him carefully.

"You are the only one who treats me best in the world, how could I betray you? Why is the price so high? Did Yan Han increase the price temporarily? Or did he find out what I did?"

Du Weifeng glanced at him,

"What if If what you did is discovered by him, his attitude towards you will definitely change. You have to be careful."

Sang Zhi suddenly became nervous,

"Then what should I do? Although my father still wears the title of chairman , but I have already spent three days fishing and two days drying nets in the company, and I basically don't care much."

"The person in charge is Yan Han, and my parents are very good to him and trust him very much. If he wants to deal with me, I'm afraid No one can save me."

Du Weifeng comforted,

"After all, you are the eldest son of the second shareholder of the Yan family, and you have been wandering for 20 years. Even if you are discovered and there are no consequences, he will not dare to deal with you. He still has to take care of the second shareholder. Shareholders' face."

Sang Zhi felt relieved,

"Do you think there is a possibility that Yan Han just changed the price temporarily?"

"Normally, most people wouldn't do this, and they would drop it by 10%. The price is too exaggerated."

Sang Zhi asked Du Weifeng,

"Do you really want to give him 10% of the shares? Why should you give him a discount?"

Du Weifeng scratched his head irritably,

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