106 - 108

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Chapter 106: Thousands of people are obsessed with the cannon fodder villain on the road to love 5

The next day, Yan Bai took the adapted script and met with Director Tang.

Director Tang is a slightly fat middle-aged man who is also impatient, so he started reading it immediately.

It took more than an hour to read the last sentence. Director Tang was so excited that he exclaimed,

"Yan Bai, you are so talented. This adaptation is amazing! I really didn't choose the wrong person."

Yan Bai smiled low-key. ,

"Thank you, Director Tang, for giving me this opportunity."

Director Tang's face flushed with excitement,

"With this book, my film will become popular. Join the team with me. Be my co-writer and help me control it at any time." Let's set the tone, how about I hire you with a lot of money?"

Yan Bai's eyes turned slightly,

"I wonder if Director Tang has a suitable candidate for the role of second male lead?"

Director Tang looked at Yan Bai with interest,

"This role of second male lead is good. The requirements for appearance are very high, so it's hard to choose!"

"Are you considering debuting? Your appearance is very suitable. I don't mind giving you a back door."

Yan Bai laughed,

"Director Tang, you misunderstood. It's not that I want to act, it's just because of the setting of the characters in the play. I personally think Qiong Ju is very suitable, so I'm asking, please don't mind."

Director Tang nodded, fully understanding the care a screenwriter has for his characters, I was afraid that choosing the wrong actor would ruin the characters in the play.

He also writes scripts himself and understands this feeling very well.

"Qiong Ju has become popular in the past year. He does have outstanding looks and fits the style of a male duo very well. Moreover, he is very popular with the audience. Unfortunately, he has no outstanding works so far. I will contact his company. If If the schedule is suitable, I will sign him."

Yan Bai added,

"Director Tang, don't forget that when signing the contract, it is stipulated that the actors should not disclose their romantic relationships, otherwise it will not match the characters in the play and may affect the audience's perception."

Director Tang suddenly remembered, "Yes, yes, what you reminded is very reasonable."

In this way, Yan Bai became Director Tang's specially hired screenwriter and successfully helped Qiong Ju get a job.

The nine-tailed fox asked Yan Bai in confusion,

"Master Demon Lord, you are quite nice! But why?" "

Of course it makes Qiong Ju unable to cooperate with Zhu Simu's official announcement. When he sees it, will the love between the two people still exist? So determined."

Because director Tang's films were all very popular, Qiong Ju had no reason to refuse such a good opportunity to appear on the big screen, and quickly signed a contract. As for not making their relationship public, Qiong Ju was just fine with it.

He has countless suitors who are obsessed with him. How heartbreaking would it be if his love affair were made public? Qiong Ju couldn't do such a cruel thing.

Everything was ready for Zhu Nan Jiayu. He hacked into a well-known financial newspaper that day and published unfavorable news about Zhu Simu.

However, what he didn't expect was that the news spread quickly, almost overnight, and everyone at home and abroad seemed to know about it.

Financial newspapers with great influence abroad also forwarded the same content.

This news caused a stir in the international financial circle.

Nan Jiayu, who had been paying attention to the development of the situation, was sensitive to the changes in the financial circle. He called up the stock market for comparative analysis, and his heart beat slightly faster.

He said to Yan Bai, who was immersed in typing:

"Yan Bai, do you want to make a fortune?"

Yan Bai came over,

"How to make money?"

Nan Jiayu pointed out a few points on the screen,

"Look here, I think someone wants to We are shorting Zhu's, and the trend is fierce. Zhu's should plunge sharply at the opening in the near future."

Yan Bai looked at the beating data in front of him.

"Earn! Anyway, the millions I have are for nothing, so I might as well invest them all." "

I also have more than five million left from selling the house, so let's make a fortune together!"

Yan Bai smiled,

" Okay, I will also transfer you five million, and we will use your stock account to operate together. I have not opened a stock account."

Nan Jiayu looked at Yan Bai's lively eyebrows,

"You trust me so much?"

Yan Bai looked at him, his eyes full of emotion. It is unwavering.

"Why can't you trust me? I'm very good at judging people."

Nan Jiayu's heart trembled slightly. It turned out that he felt a sense of happiness when someone trusted him without any principles.

Nan Jiayu rubbed the soft hair on Yan Bai's head.

"It's so innocent, I'm really worried about your future!"

Yan Bai rubbed against Nanjiayu's palm like a little animal. Nanjiayu felt that the skin he accidentally touched was extremely soft and delicate.

He retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted, his heart beating like a drum.

Zhu Simu, who is busy dating, knows nothing about the latest news trends. At the moment, he is visiting the crew of Qiong Ju.

In the past two years, Zhu Simu used money to clear the way, and Qiong Ju quickly rose to become a first-class star.

He filmed two TV series, and after becoming famous, he took on commercials and variety shows, and his career developed rapidly.

This TV series is also a role that he spent a lot of money to get for Qiong Ju.

It is a major production by a well-known domestic director, and the actors in the cast are all powerful actors and actresses.

It is a great miracle that Qiong Ju can play the third male lead.

Qiong Ju looks innocent and lovely, but also a little delicate. It is very suitable for her to play the role of a rich young master who returns from studying abroad in the play.

After Qiong Ju finished filming the morning scene, she returned to the nanny car, and Zhu Simu immediately held her in his arms.

"Young Master, this retro suit suits you really well."

Qiong Ju sat on his legs, hugged his neck, and gently raised Zhu Simu's chin,

"Young Master, why am I seeing you for the first time? Could it be that you are the eldest son of Mr. Zhu's family?" Young Master? Today's groom?"

Zhu Simu took his fingertips that were messing with his chin in his mouth,

"Yes, is your groom going to have a bridal chamber?"

Qiong Ju said coquettishly:

"There will be more in an hour. It's a show, don't tease me."

"That's enough, I'll hurry up. I just saw you dressed like this, and I thought..."

Qiong Ju tried to refuse, but soon the RV began to shake.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Simu patted Qiongju, who was still flushed with satisfaction, and said,

"Okay, let's go down."

Qiongju, who hasn't arrived yet...

Damn it,

if Zhu Simu hadn't had more money, who would have suffered this injustice?

Qiong Ju pretended to be weak, and Bu Sheng glared at him coyly:

"I hate it, I'm powerless!"

Zhu Simu laughed, feeling very proud.

The two were sweet and sweet until the secretary called him. Unfavorable news about the company was overwhelming overnight. The company's stock was maliciously shorted when it opened today. In just one minute, the stock price plunged by 35% and the market value was cut in half.

Zhu Simu was horrified and pushed Qiong Ju away. Qiong Ju fell down and looked at Zhu Simu in shock.

Zhu Simu picked up the phone and didn't have time to explain. He opened the door and got back to his car and rushed back to the company.

Qiong Ju stood up staggeringly, cursing inwardly.

When Zhu Simu returned to the company, things had become more serious.

Well-informed banks began to call for loans, and some creditors began to demand Zhu Simu to repay as soon as possible.

His investment requires a large amount of money to be invested every day. Without these continuous capital inflows, his capital chain will soon be broken.

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